How pathetic. Is Obama in that much trouble he needs the Washington Post to come to his rescue over an SNL skit?

WAPO was mercilessly ridiculed on Twitter..............read the twitter feed here...pretty funny stuff.....

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That's funny!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-24-2014, 10:54 AM
It is funny that two twits are posting about reading a twitter feed...
gfejunkie's Avatar
The original PBS version...

SNL actually did a great service for the low information types like WTF.

Now they might understand how the Constitution was actually meant to work.

It was a funny bit though.
WaPo Fact Checks: Opera man is not actually classically-trained opera singer.

bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
How pathetic. Is Obama in that much trouble he needs the Washington Post to come to his rescue over an SNL skit?

WAPO was mercilessly ridiculed on Twitter..............read the twitter feed here...pretty funny stuff.....
Originally Posted by Whirlaway

I dopnt get it? Obama wants change with immigration, nothing is happening, so he did stuff with his legal powers
if that's a bad change, why doesnt congress get together and make a law?
how else does the prez get congress to do something?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It is not up to the Prez to get Congress to do something, it is up to the people.
The Prez is charged with carrying out the laws that are passed and he has chosen to pick and choose what to enforce and what to not enforce.

Our immigration system is not "broken" it is the enforcement of our immigration laws that is broken.

When they throw a citizen in jail they are not concerned about the effects upon the citizens family and whether or not it will disrupt them. They committed a crime that had nothing to do with their family, yet the family suffers. Why should those that break our laws when it comes to immigration be any different?
I dopnt get it? Obama wants change with immigration, nothing is happening, so he did stuff with his legal powers
if that's a bad change, why doesnt congress get together and make a law?
how else does the prez get congress to do something? Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
The reason......any Bill coming out of The House will call for first securing the Boarder so we will not be facing the same situation 5-10 years down the line.

The last thing the Democrats want to do is secure the Boarder.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
It is not up to the Prez to get Congress to do something, it is up to the people.
The Prez is charged with carrying out the laws that are passed and he has chosen to pick and choose what to enforce and what to not enforce.? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
isnt the prez one of the "people"? he wants congress to act but unlike your letter writing campaign, he can do other ways to get congress to do ANYTHING

Our immigration system is not "broken" it is the enforcement of our immigration laws that is broken.? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
yeah, oh is that why we have ~12 illegal immigrants in the usa. IE 12 million people NOT paying taxes....that seems broken to me

When they throw a citizen in jail they are not concerned about the effects upon the citizens family and whether or not it will disrupt them. They committed a crime that had nothing to do with their family, yet the family suffers. Why should those that break our laws when it comes to immigration be any different? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
What are you talking about here?
We arent debating whether illegals get to stay in america or not, we are discussing the president using his legal prez powers to do stuff.
AFAIK, illegals arent US citizens and don't get the same rights we have....but I'm sure their rights are covered under some BS..
survival of the fittest brought us to this point, yet know everyone lives and we all stoop to the lowest common denominator
Bling bling
want free healthcare?
I B Hankering's Avatar
The Founders formulated a bicameral system that was designed to impede whimsical changes based on the latest faddish notion. Hence, sometimes it is incumbent upon Congress not to act, and that inaction reflects the will of the people. Suffice it to say, more than enough statutes have been written to deal with illegal immigration. As such, it is incumbent on the executive branch to fulfill his oath and lawful charge and enforce those laws.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
The Founders formulated a bicameral system that was designed to impede whimsical changes based on the latest faddish notion. Hence, sometimes it is incumbent upon Congress not to act, and that inaction reflects the will of the people. Suffice it to say, more than enough statutes have been written to deal with illegal immigration. As such, it is incumbent on the executive branch to fulfill his oath and lawful charge and enforce those laws. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
you do realize NOT doing anything is still doing something
by not acting, congress is allowing the prez to change whatever the issue is
seems all talk about complaining about it, why doesnt congress go do something/anything, instead they talk about how "illegal" his actions are.

sounds like your rehashing a bit of hot air, which is why we are in this mess.
don't think I want to give my money away, I dont want illegals to be legal/etc. But I see what the prez is doing
rioseco's Avatar
I dopnt get it? Obama wants change with immigration, nothing is happening, so he did stuff with his legal powers
if that's a bad change, why doesnt congress get together and make a law?
how else does the prez get congress to do something? Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
No new law needed.
Simply enforce standing law. ILLEGALlY entering the USA is a felony trespassing offense. It is not immigration. Violaters should be imprisioned as our marine was in Mexico. They should be beat as our marine was. They should be ignored by our federal government while in prison just as our marine was !

Fuck amnesty for felony trespassers and fuck B.H.O. in his ass as well.
I B Hankering's Avatar
you do realize NOT doing anything is still doing something
by not acting, congress is allowing the prez to change whatever the issue is
seems all talk about complaining about it, why doesnt congress go do something/anything, instead they talk about how "illegal" his actions are.

sounds like your rehashing a bit of hot air, which is why we are in this mess.
don't think I want to give my money away, I dont want illegals to be legal/etc. But I see what the prez is doing Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
If you'll recall, Odumbo took an oath wherein he is swore that he recognized that he is Constitutionally required to enforce this nation's laws. Odumbo's false presumption, which evidently you've been "#Grubered" into believing, that he has the prerogative to not enforce the laws is as wrong as it is unconstitutional. You'd do well to focus on the laws and not on the spin.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
If you'll recall, Odumbo took an oath wherein he is swore that he recognized that he is Constitutionally required to enforce this nation's laws. Odumbo's false presumption, which evidently you've been "#Grubered" into believing, that he has the prerogative to not enforce the laws is as wrong as it is unconstitutional. You'd do well to focus on the laws and not on the spin.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You dont have to take an oath to be held accountable to the laws
If you are right and he is breaking the law, why is no one stopping him?
if he used his POWERs to kill the 1st born of all families, which is illegal, would that be followed through?