Millionaire Leaves Fox Host Speechless

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Please watch and share (over one million hits):
They wiped the table with him, exposing him and his entire ilk for what they are.
Welcome back Debbie; but I don't see where Varney was left speechless.....can you point me to a time line in the video?

bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Welcome back Debbie; but I don't see where Varney was left speechless.....can you point me to a time line in the video?

Thanks Originally Posted by Whirlaway
paying taxes is akin to stealing
why do I want to pay more money? will that help Merkia? no, more money doesnt help america, the govenment will spend money...
the "fiscal distaster" is like seeing Bums off the street and giving them money and thinking that will solve them being bums.
flghtr65's Avatar
Please watch and share (over one million hits): Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
There is a mistake in the video. The tax rate percentage for the highest tax bracket is 39% not 36%. This was made effective 1/1/2013. The Bush Tax cuts in all brackets were due to expire 12/12/31, only tax rate in the top bracket was changed. The other percentages remained unchanged.

The host may be paying 50% in taxes if he lives in a state that has state income tax of 11%. I don't know of any state that has a rate that high. I don't think any one should have to pay 50% on their taxes. The host should move to a state that doesn't have any state income tax like Florida or Texas. Mitt only pays 15% on his taxes, perhaps the host should find a better tax advisor.
Skittlez's Avatar
If the tax levy on everyone was doubled, the government would just squander all that too - and still borrow more.

The 'problem' is not a lack of revenue... the 'problem' IS SPENDING (all the revenue).

The 'problem' is not a lack of meth... the 'problem' IS USING (all the meth).
Yssup Rider's Avatar
don't help that sad old queen! He's just looking for ways to insult you because yqounactuallymprovide sex on a sex board, while he is recruiting members for his special jihad-Bible camp combination.

We live in confusing times.

Especially with some of these juiced up "mega-warriors."

Are they going to beat some little old lady senseless when she questions theirnTV show?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
don't help that sad old queen! He's just looking for ways to insult you because yqounactuallymprovide sex on a sex board, while he is recruiting members for his special jihad-Bible camp combination.

We live in confusing times.

Especially with some of these juiced up "mega-warriors."

Are they going to beat some little old lady senseless when she questions theirnTV show? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Can anyone decipher this? What the hell is AssupLiar talking about? He must have missed his Ovaltine.
Can anyone decipher this? What the hell is AssupLiar talking about? He must have missed his Ovaltine. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

I'm not exactly sure what he said but I think this is what he meant...

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Can anyone decipher this? What the hell is AssupLiar talking about? He must have missed his Ovaltine. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

I think he is trying to tell us that Iva has a gun to his head.
boardman's Avatar
Please watch and share (over one million hits): Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Do you even watch the shit you post asking us to watch?
There is a mistake in the video. The tax rate percentage for the highest tax bracket is 39% not 36%. This was made effective 1/1/2013. The Bush Tax cuts in all brackets were due to expire 12/12/31, only tax rate in the top bracket was changed. The other percentages remained unchanged.

The host may be paying 50% in taxes if he lives in a state that has state income tax of 11%. I don't know of any state that has a rate that high. I don't think any one should have to pay 50% on their taxes. The host should move to a state that doesn't have any state income tax like Florida or Texas. Mitt only pays 15% on his taxes, perhaps the host should find a better tax advisor. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Just a couple of observations ...

First of all, the top tax bracket on earned income, to be precise, is 39.6%. Occasionally people ask why it's not 39%, or simply rounded to 40%. The reason is that during the debate leading to the budget reconciliation act of 1993, policymakers selected a 36% rate, but then added a 10% surtax atop that, arriving at a 39.6% rate. As I recall, it was meant to apply to any income above about $250K.

A couple of populous, high-tax states have state and local income tax rates that push the marginal tax rate on high-income earners north of 50%. California, for instance, imposes a 13.3% state income tax rate on top-bracket income. Although I'm too lazy to look up the exact rates, I do recall reading recently that the combined New York State/New York City income tax rate is close to the same.

Most TV hosts can't simply move to a lower-tax state, as their income is generally earned in NYC, so they're subject to state and local tax as well as federal tax.

And they can't get their effective tax rates down to anything remotely close to Mitt Romney's level, either. It's simply a matter of the classification of income, and has very little to do with whether the taxpayer has good advisors.

According to published reports, Romney paid an effective tax rate of just under 15% during a few years prior to his presidential run. Although he refused to release any tax returns, I think it's fair to assume the following: He took little or no salary income from any entity, since it would obviously be subject to a tax rate of 39.6%. Instead, his income was comprised of some combination of carried interest, capital gains, and qualified dividends, all of which were taxed at a 15% rate prior to 2013.

However, the tax rate on all three of those categories was increased to 23.8% last year, so it's likely that Romney's effective tax rate is currently something close to that number.
Sickpuppy's Avatar
Please watch and share (over one million hits): Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie

You're judged by the company you keep. Not only does this video NOT support the alleged need for higher taxes, its posted in the section of YouTube along with all the other liberal BS wanna-make-a-point clips that fall short of their goal and bolster the right (correct) argument.

Plus, it’s not the amount of taxes they collect; it’s how they mis-spend OUR money. The millionaire in the video is too dumb to recognize that. He's free to send in extra money if he wants, but don't ask me to keep throwing good money away - I manage the spending of my money better than they do.

One more point, Deb – I assume you are paying your fair share in taxes of all that "off the books" income you earn, right? If not, don't lecture us about tax rates.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Love how a hooker that works under the table bitch about people that pay taxes.

Tell you what..

When you get into debt from buying crap that isn't needed and you can't eat do you continue to buy more crap?

No, you dont. If you do then I understand why you are for someone paying more taxes.

Pay taxes on that money you make by laying on your back and tell me who should stop spending and who should pay more.

Till then STFU.
Leftists of various stripes (whether they actually pay taxes or not) seem fond of telling us that we should feel guilty about not paying tax at an even higher rate.

But when actor Will Smith found out that France had jacked up its top-bracket rate all the way to 75%, his reaction was hilarious:

"God bless America," he said!

It's also pretty funny when Warren Buffett starts prattling about how he and his fellow billionaires ought to be required to pay a lot more, since he's always been so careful to structure his holdings in such a fashion that his tax liability is as limited as possible. Note that his net worth accumulation was almost completely unaffected by the 2013 tax increase, and that he would face very little additional tax liability under any of the proposals made by Obama or congressional liberals.