Milwaukee Police Chief Loses It and Tells the Blunt TRUTH About Black Crime

I B Hankering's Avatar
White Police Chief Loses It and Tells the Blunt TRUTH About Black Crime

Police Chief Edward Flynn has had enough.

Recently, the chief of Milwaukee’s law enforcement agency came under attack by black activists.

The activists accused Flynn of not taking a recent officer-involved shooting seriously.

As in Ferguson, groups very quickly accused white officers of being racist and of targeting blacks for no reason.

At a police commission meeting related to that shooting, protesters began disrupting the group and shouting anti-police phrases at officers.

They also singled out Chief Flynn as being uncaring and mocked him for being on his cell phone during part of the meeting.

“I was on my phone, yes, that’s true,” Flynn began. “I was following developments with a 5-year-old little girl, sitting on her dad’s lap who just got shot in the head by a drive by shooting.” [by black gang members]

“If some of the people here gave a good ******* about the victimization of people in this community by crime, I’d take some of their invective more seriously.”

“The fact is that the people out here – some of them who have the most to say – are absolutely MIA when it comes to the true threats facing this community,” Flynn continued. “It gets a little tiresome when you start getting yelled at for reading the updates for the kid who got shot? Yeah. You take it personally.”

Flynn cited Milwaukee's crime statistics: 80 percent of homicide victims are African-American, 85 percent of aggravated assault victims are African-American, 80 percent of shooting victims who survive shootings are African-American.

“Now, they know all about the last three people who have been killed by the Milwaukee Police Department in the course of the last several years. There’s not one of them that can name one of the last three homicide victims we’ve had in this city,” Flynn said. “But this community is at risk alright, and it’s not because men and women in blue risk their lives protecting it. It’s at risk because we have large numbers of high-capacity, quality firearms in the hands of remorseless criminals who don’t care who they shoot.
Obviously a racist who should be fired immediately and investigated by Eric Holder's Justice Dept.
LexusLover's Avatar
Holder is a Lame-Ducker ... hopefully his replacement will be installed quickly ....
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-26-2014, 10:27 AM
Good, blunt, reasonable comments by Chief Flynn. About the faceless acceptance of black victims, the myopic fixation on the very small sliver that are police-black deaths, and the high capacity firearms that put police and civilians at greater risk.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-26-2014, 10:28 AM
Holder is a Lame-Ducker ... hopefully his replacement will be installed quickly .... Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hopefully his replacement will be better. Much better. Not that that is a tough standard to meet.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hopefully his replacement will be better. Much better. Not that that is a tough standard to meet. Originally Posted by Old-T
She won't be.
rioseco's Avatar
and the libs cry "burn the guns,harass and indict the police and shelter/secure the gang bangers. We dont want to offend anyone by profiling!"
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where do "the libs" cry that, you unspeakably ignorant fuck?
rioseco's Avatar
Where do "the libs" cry that, you unspeakably ignorant fuck? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
At every stump they stand on. Are you too stupid to read between the lines ? stupid bastard !
Do you ever watch NBC, CBS, CNBC, ABC, CNN, or any of the lib leaning ananlyst like Colmes, Beckel,Wiliams ? How about comics/opinionist like Cobert, Maher, Stewart ? Politicians and race baiters....Sharpton, Jackson, Jackson-Lee, Feinsteen, Boxner, Bloomberg, Pelosi. Lets not forget your two favorite astronut-politurd couple Gifford and hyypocrite hubby fuk- face ! You are the poster child for birth control !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
At every stump they stand on. Are you too stupid to read between the lines ? stupid bastard !
Do you ever watch NBC, CBS, CNBC, ABC, CNN, or any of the lib leaning ananlyst like Colmes, Beckel,Wiliams ? How about comics/opinionist like Cobert, Maher, Stewart ? Politicians and race baiters....Sharpton, Jackson, Jackson-Lee, Feinsteen, Boxner, Bloomberg, Pelosi. Lets not forget your two favorite astronut-politurd couple Gifford and hyypocrite hubby fuk- face ! You are the poster child for birth control ! Originally Posted by rioseco
Again, you haven't shown, quoted or even shown the "lines to read between" that indicate a single instance of "the libs" crying "burn the guns, harass and indict the police and shelter/secure the gang bangers."

Considering how brilliantly it was even stated is evidence enough that the blurtation in question is the product of your low functioning intellect.

You unspeakably ignorant fuck. Get your shit together.
Again, you haven't shown, quoted or even shown the "lines to read between" that indicate a single instance of "the libs" crying "burn the guns, harass and indict the police and shelter/secure the gang bangers."

Considering how brilliantly it was even stated is evidence enough that the blurtation in question is the product of your low functioning intellect.

You unspeakably ignorant fuck. Get your shit together. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I know you prefer pineapples... shove this up your ass

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-27-2014, 09:50 AM
Nothing new here: Rio makes a dumb broad generalization, and IIFFy uses it as an excuse to post an non sequitur video attack.

Why do they feel obliged to attack the police chief like that?
Nothing new here: Rio makes a dumb broad generalization, and IIFFy uses it as an excuse to post an non sequitur video attack.

Why do they feel obliged to attack the police chief like that?
Originally Posted by Old-T

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-27-2014, 10:22 AM
It wasn't intended to be funny. You and your kind are generally not.
rioseco's Avatar
My son Assup the brain dead asshole baby is the stupidest dumn fuck ever ! He is the poster child to stamp out after birth !