What could be done....today....to fix race relations?

I'm not talking about some pie in the sky shit.

How can we fix this?
I'm not talking about some pie in the sky shit.

How can we fix this? Originally Posted by timpage
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Surprise. SlObbrin cut and pasted an anti-Obama graphic.

I dropped my rocks.
rioseco's Avatar
I'm not talking about some pie in the sky shit.

How can we fix this? Originally Posted by timpage
Outlaw free shit. Make everybody work for food assistance. Outlaw "earned income tax credit" and sentence Assup to exile in Antartica.
This whole "Ferguson Thing" has set race relations back decades.
Why? Because iour President, Attorney General, and other Black Leaders decided to take the side of a young street thug who, by his own actions, caused his own death at the hands s of a Police Officer.

They should have used this moment in history to tell Young Black Men that they have to stop killing each other. That they need to finish their educations. That they need to get off the street corner selling drugs. That they need to stop hyjacking motorist to steal their cars. That they need to stop using guns and other weapons against innocent citizens in armed robberies, that they need to stop impregnating numerous girls resulting in a single mom rate of close to 80 percent. That they need to stop blaming everybody else for their troubles.

And yes, they need to stop accousting store owners, stealing what is not theirs, , and then be so stupid as to attack an armed police officer when he was attempting to question you.

I have talked to a multitude of Hispanics this past week, (I work around mostly Hispanic Men), and they are appalled by our Government seeming to side with lawless blacks every time something like this happens. Most of these men are much more prejudice against Blacks that the majority of Whites. They hate it when the likes of Al Sharpton include Hispanics in with Blacks when they make their "Poverty pimp speeches", grouping them in with what they consider animals.

The Black Community has a lot of problems, but our Leaders seem to still want to put the blame on everyone but the very people who cause the problems.


In particular, young Black Men who have, as it seems, digressed into a world that is totally contrary to modern society and seem to think that they are allowed to live by a separate set of rules than everybody else.

It's almost like the Black Community's young men are saying, "we can kill each other, that's not "whitey's" business". And why shouldn't they believe this. Their so called "leaders" never address the fact that 90 percent of all Black Murders are at the hands of other Blacks.

Their "leaders" make excuses for them, and in their minds, put a stamp of approval on their lawless actions.

Why don't we see this lawless behavior in other ethnic groups. TheWest Asian Community, The East Asian Community, the Eastern European Community, none of these are killing and stealing with anywhere near the numbers as Young Black Men.

I think you can trace it all back to Lyndon Johnson's "great Society" programs that have resulted in demeaning entire Black Communities by telling them that the Government will take care of them. They herded them into housing projects, took their self respect away, and made them into second class citizens.

I was listening to the mother of the Michael Brown say, "this could be anybodies Son". Well, I disagree. "Anybodies" Son is not out strong arm robbing store clerks, stealing, and being so stupid as to attack a Police Officer when he is in the line of duty.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
When we can all stop looking at things as "racial" and instead look at things in terms of human beans that will be the start.
Get liberals out of day care, schools, colleges, news media, trade schools and the government... And oh yeah Hollywood .. That would be a start

Then maybe we'd have a shot at returning everyone to having common respect
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Outlaw free shit. Make everybody work for food assistance. Outlaw "earned income tax credit" and sentence Assup to exile in Antartica. Originally Posted by rioseco
Yeah, that'll patch things up real fast, you unspeakably ignorant twat.

In fact, its almost as fucking brilliant as nevergaveitathought's. apropos handle, btw!
LexusLover's Avatar
instead look at things in terms of human beans .... Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I agree ...

Have a good Thanksgiving!!!
I'm not talking about some pie in the sky shit.

How can we fix this? Originally Posted by timpage

bar-e is working on it.

Surprise. SlObbrin cut and pasted an anti-Obama graphic.

I dropped my rocks. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

You took them out of your head? again?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-27-2014, 10:31 AM
Tim, nice attempt at an intelligent discussion. Some posts tried to stay on topic.

But as usual, some of the retarded children like IIFFy and Rio and NeverLand jump in. Since they are incapable of intelligent thought they want to make sure no one else can have it either.

Too bad.
Tim, nice attempt at an intelligent discussion. Some posts tried to stay on topic.

But as usual, some of the retarded children like IIFFy and Rio and NeverLand jump in. Since they are incapable of intelligent thought they want to make sure no one else can have it either.

Too bad.
Originally Posted by Old-T

Recipe for the destruction of America:

1. 1 part old white livin'-in-the 60's radicals. Preferrably working in media.
Newsrooms, Or university classrooms.

2. Sautée with rancid Alinski rules for radicals.

3. Add 1 cup Democratic Party political expediency & teaspoon
'Bush Derangement syndrome .

4. Combine in large kettle adding 'lazy, complacent
Voters until properly stupefied .

5. Stir in the 'special sauce'; one arrogant finely chopped clove of
Dark Kenyan community organizin' anti-colonialist smooth talkin' dumbo with
Untraceable history and unsavory anti-American comrades.

6. Bake for 6 months as Junior senator voting 'present'.

7. Serve with sides of foreign policy failures, huge national debt, tax hike,
Large portion Big govt programs and income distribution.

8. Follow with dessert: disgust, buyers remorse, racial unrest, and
The end of American exceptionalism.

Bon Apetite. Old-Troglodyte... you voted for this...
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-27-2014, 10:45 AM
As I said, you are incapable of intelligent thought
Yssup Rider's Avatar
But he does know how to cut and paste propaganda ... Even if he doesn't know what it means!