Rochelle77 Still Had Some Virginity Left At 44, And She Sweetly Blessed Me With It!!!!

tuckahoe's Avatar
At one point during our date, while we were snuggled together and looking at each other, I was wanting to ask a question, but was unsure if I should. Rochelle recognized a look on my face and asked "What is it?" I stammered trying to get out my question, and managed to ask something about her butt hole and if she liked it kissed. I had already rimmed her just a little with my finger as she lay on top of me in what I guess could be called lazy cowgirl. At first, I thought she was thinking I was asking about anal intercourse. She calmly listened as I explained there would be nothing inserted. I told her kissing her there was somewhat arousing to me, but was more a demonstration of appreciation for the affection she had shown. There are only a few ladies I would choose do this with.
When Rochelle knew what my wishes were, she asked, "what do I do, lay on my tummy?" I nodded yes and we got her positioned diagonally on the mattress, so there would be room for both without me falling off the bed. Using my hands, I spread her cheeks apart and viewed what many consider the most private and personal part of the body. Her pucker is absolutely a marvelous design of art!!!! I began kissing her buttocks and the area where her thighs and derriere join together, moving closer and closer to her orifice. I kissed her deeply, and licked and swirled my tongue, and sucked with gusto. The more I did it, the more comfort I felt and the more stress was alleviated!! It gave a sense of well being, of healing, and wholesomeness. I sensed Rochelle was liking a new activity.
Rochelle was absolutely clean! Did she taste good? VERY!!!!!!!!!!

I find it difficult that men in Rochelle's life never asked to experience such a wonderful pleasure. It is their loss!!! People are too inhibited!!!
I never had a virgin lady, and I am very thankful to be blessed with this bit of virginity that Rochelle has kept until this time.
After completing DATO, I told Rochelle I could leave it out of the review if she wished. She told me to include it!!!! So I said I would. I hope that also means she won't disapprove of me making a special thread of it. It almost seems to private to post, but this site is about "information exchange" and maybe this post will help others.
My friends, we must treat this lady Right. Rochelle77 is Amazing!!!!!

I hope no one accuses me of being a braggart or boasting. This is important to me, and I think it is worthwhile of having its own thread, and not just be buried in my review of Rochelle, though I intend to include it there.
My purpose is to share my good fortune with other members. It was a wonderful, meaningful event that enriched my life, and I hope the life of Rochelle.
THANK YOU Rochelle for Blessing me with a Precious Lifetime Memory!!!!!

I do expect a great many of you are receiving Precious Lifelong Memories from Rochelle; I know I am not the only one. But when she is with me, I am not thinking about you other dudes!
austin88998833's Avatar
“But when she is with me, I am not thinking about you other dudes!”

I sure as hell hope not! If you are, then you should have your head examined! lol.
WMJ4657's Avatar
I really can't give this the words it needs.
harrypatt's Avatar
Wow! Thanks for sharing
Fr8nk&Bnz's Avatar
Did she blow you kiss back?
Good God Man get ahold of yourself
CatMan4u's Avatar
Tuck congrats to on a awesome time very very glad you tremendously enjoyed
tuckahoe's Avatar
thank you CatMan4u. You seem to be able to get what some don't!
tuckahoe's Avatar
I am only 33 ⅓% as crazy as some of you think I am and only 3.14159% as serious as some of you thimk. By the way, 3.14159 is an irrational number. If it wasn't for me, what would you have to talk about? You don't have to like or agree with everything I write, but you should. Loosen up your tie and kick your shoes off! My writings are mild compared to what Bill Clinton did - whoops, don't anyone tell him I said that, I might get Clintonized! And all them jet setters that went to Fantasia with Ghislaine.
Isn't this an escort board? It has been rather boring for a long time. Which one of you has been doing anything to make it interesting? Life is short - live some fantasies! Make some posts and liven this place up! Don't be a mummy!! This place is as somber as a tomb in a pyramid!
tuckahoe's Avatar
Did she blow you kiss back? Originally Posted by Fr8nk&Bnz
No, she doesn't do that on the first date.
tuckahoe's Avatar
Good God Man get ahold of yourself Originally Posted by maximus
I don't like getting a hold of myself. What fun is masturbating? That is why we have escorts to take a hold of us. Give a good one a try, you will like it! I gar an T it!
tuckahoe's Avatar
This is the rule for Coed Discussions:
Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!

Take note of that last word - ENTERTAINING

CatMan4u's Avatar
Yaw Tuck i get how you feel about your experience. My first with Zenovia was like that plus a couple others in the past. So yes i fully understand
Thanks Tuck for the overzealous post. Let's say if someone was going to see her yesterday at 11. You might've reminded someone to make sure the curtains were down and the door double locked.
BK's Avatar
  • BK
  • 07-14-2022, 03:05 PM
So were just out here posting behind closed door content now for the whole fucking world to read??

And you guys wonder why ladies stop participating here or why Massage places get raided and shutdown.

Keep this stuff BCD please where it belongs.