Lost in translation

Alright boys, lets talk about fairness. When you contact a provider for an appointment from a bogus email as your only means of communication, give no number because your "traveling on business" and then get upset when she bails... Who's to blame?

I wish some people would understand that we are SERVICE PROVIDERS not slaves to your convenience or whim. An equal level of respect and courtesy is expected and goes a long way.

I for one am not shy about dropping a client if he doesn't show the proper amount of tact and consideration. It is a privilege to visit with a courtesan; not a right.
Alright boys, lets talk about fairness. When you contact a provider for an appointment from a bogus email as your only means of communication, give no number because your "traveling on business" and then get upset when she bails... Who's to blame?

I wish some people would understand that we are SERVICE PROVIDERS not slaves to your convenience or whim. An equal level of respect and courtesy is expected and goes a long way.

I for one am not shy about dropping a client if he doesn't show the proper amount of tact and consideration. It is a privilege to visit with a courtesan; not a right. Originally Posted by picturethis
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Ohhh God.. if we do that we are RUDE when we speak our peace. (being sarcastic sweetie).
If they call us up acting like they haven't done ANY READING and with no proper speech, the minute you say anything or hang up , thats RUDE. Trust me, they will act like they can do NO WRONG.
It should always be a privilege to enjoy your company. Some people, however, failed kindergarten and have never quite seemed to advance mentally or socially.
wildcat4fun's Avatar
Sorry to hear that happen to you Rosie.I wouldn't sweat it.Just put him on the do not see list.You will always run into a few bad apples,but there is alot more great guys out there.
I could not agree more!
causewaycommuter's Avatar
Rosie, I completely agree with you. As with all things in life, things would run SO much smoother if you up front and play by the rules.

Anita, I don't find a person rude if they speak their piece in a calm, matter of fact manner. I find it rude when a person speaks his/her piece in a rude manner. I'm not saying you do this because I have never spoken with you. I'm just making a comment in general.
Thanks for the support everyone, and I'm sorry about the rant. I usually don't let these lesser men get under mu skin; and I'd like for it to be known that MOST of the guys on here are TOTAL SWEETHEARTS and not jerks.

Anita Lay, you're right, some of these fellas think that acting like a newb is cute, but if I can tell you are full of it, I just write them off as dumb.

Wildcat, I've heard of a kind of national blacklist site but haven't seen it. We need a review system for the girls!!
I agree with your original post, if someone can't talk to me with respect and in a clear distinct voice, I have no time for that person. I simply bow out as gracefully as I can.
Brer Rabbit's Avatar
For me, it's a matter of mutual trust. We both need absolute confidentiality and absolute safety. If the guy cannot provide the standard screening protocol for verifiable information for your safety and his, and does not trust you enough to provide that information and know it will be kept confidential (play only with established providers with known reputations) then he should have absolutely no expectation of the session ever happening.

Just one guy's opinion.

Rosey sweetheart, you know my opinion on the matter. Just shrug it off and keep smiling
I agree i had a man cuss me out bc i didnt txt fast enough for him
I'd give the woman an hour + 5 to 10 minutes to reply (if I called her just after she switched her phone to silent at the start of a session...). I'd never curse a woman out for this (that's stupid). I would call back after that 1:05, 1:10 if she didn't contact me, then if no response I'd either give her ~15 more minutes (or not), depending on how much I wanted her in particular.