chior boy with a violent temper

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-10-2015, 05:49 AM
Oh no! Looks like one of this boards favorite heroes, little George Z, is in trouble again. Aggravated assault.

This guy was a loose cannon with a bad temper and a machismo complex from the first time he hit the front pages. Somehow I don't think he is finished his fall from gun toting poster boy to recognized psychopath.
Who/What is George Z?
How quickly they forget.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Who/What is George Z? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The infamous George Zimmerman.
Who/What is George Z? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Only a TrendingIdiot would have asked that question!
LexusLover's Avatar
Only a TrendingIdiot would have asked that question! Originally Posted by bigtex
Still struggling are you?

BTW: is it Hillary this week or Webb? Or you still hoping on Michelle?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-10-2015, 09:08 AM
How quickly they forget. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Or they want to distance themselves from what was their one-time hero poster boy. What are the odds some of the very vocal George Z supporters put this whole thread on ignore.

I said from day one he was a bad apple who disregarded all the basic principles of neighborhood watch. Now even the local police who were far too cozy with him back then seem to have woken up. But will the RWW crowd here ever admit maybe they backed a sleazeball? I doubt it.
LexusLover's Avatar
But will the RWW crowd here ever admit maybe they backed a sleazeball? I doubt it. Originally Posted by Old-T
I never did "back" Martin. I didn't "back" Zimmerman. It was my assessment from the early reports, through the trial, that Zimmerman may have been acting in self-defense, or at the worst Martin died in a struggle initiated by Martin.

Apparently, the Jury arrived at a similar conclusion.

If either one of them are "sleazeballs" ... they are still entitled to a presumption of "innocence" until it is proven otherwise, and Zimmerman is still innocent of any criminal charges in the death of Martin.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No beating around the bush there, LLIdiot.

Just admit you were WRONG about GZ.

We've moved on past psychopathic neighborhood watch vigilantes to killer cops and cop killers.

Put Zimmerman in the round file, where he belongs.
LexusLover's Avatar
No beating around the bush there, LLIdiot.

Just admit you were WRONG about GZ. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Apparently, I was correct. He is innocent of the criminal homicide of Martin.

But you keep reinforcing how I am correct about you!

The cause of your mental defect is the only question left open.

Umbilical cord wrapped around your neck in the womb, or

... excessive forceps squeeze? Which was it?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Some dumb-as-fuck lib-retards in this forum conveniently choose to forget that the real issue was how the Kool Aid dispensing MSM and the nefarious race-baiters persistently pursued their agenda of misrepresenting the facts of the Zimmerman case -- even to the point of focusing on the hyperbolic description "white Hispanic" -- in their effort to convict Zimmerman before he went to trial.
Oh no! Looks like one of this boards favorite heroes, little George Z, is in trouble again. Aggravated assault.

This guy was a loose cannon with a bad temper and a machismo complex from the first time he hit the front pages. Somehow I don't think he is finished his fall from gun toting poster boy to recognized psychopath. Originally Posted by Old-T
Nice to see you are spending your time, worrying about the important stuff... Old-Trouble maker
LexusLover's Avatar
Nice to see you are spending your time, worrying about the important stuff... Old-Trouble maker Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Diversion .... refocusing the intensity of the realistic concerns of today ....

Court Jesters serve that function ..

Diversion .... refocusing the intensity of the realistic concerns of today ....

Court Jesters serve that function ..

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Lexie lacking's man crush continues.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-10-2015, 02:27 PM
I never did "back" Martin. I didn't "back" Zimmerman. It was my assessment from the early reports, through the trial, that Zimmerman may have been acting in self-defense, or at the worst Martin died in a struggle initiated by Martin.

Apparently, the Jury arrived at a similar conclusion.

If either one of them are "sleazeballs" ... they are still entitled to a presumption of "innocence" until it is proven otherwise, and Zimmerman is still innocent of any criminal charges in the death of Martin. Originally Posted by LexusLover
No, I seem to remember you were rather reasonable in those discussions. Unlike many others. Notice how quickly IB chimes in with his absurd revisionist history of how he wanted to almost canonized Georgie? And how IIFFy is now concerned about whether a top I on this forum is "important". Good for you IIFFy! That is probably the first time you ever pondered that question. You certainly don't worry about significance with most of YOUR posts.