He gave an impassioned speech to the Iranian American Community of Arizona a few days ago and ripped Obama up one side and down the other for negotiating with Iran.


Enjoy. I did.
Occam's razor tells us Obama wants Iran to have nuclear weapons. It makes the only sense and fits well with Liberal think = if America can have the bomb, then Iran should have it.
Hey Trendy, is Wisconsin and America still TRENDING Romney?
He gave an impassioned speech to the Iranian American Community of Arizona a few days ago and ripped Obama up one side and down the other for negotiating with Iran.


Enjoy. I did. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

I did too!
thank you Rudy
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  • 02-21-2015, 06:19 AM
Rudy is the right's new Joseph McCarthy! Go Rudy, GO.

Rudy says they were brought up differently....
Obama was largely brought up after age 10 by his grandmother and grandfather on his mother’s side, Madelynn Dunham and Stanley Armour Dunham.
Stanley Dunham enlisted in the U.S. Army in January of 1942. His unit, the 1830th Ordnance Supply and Maintenance Company, Aviation, supported the 9th Air Force during the Allied landing at Normandy Beach in France on D-Day. Stanley and his unit were sent to France 6 weeks later, as was his brother.
As for his wife Madelyn, she made the sacrifice during the war of working the night shift in Wichita, Kansas, at a factory making the Boeing B-29.
Barack’s maternal uncle, Charlie Payne (Madelyn’s brother) served in the 89th Infantry Division. That division liberated one of the Buchenwald death camp complexes, Ohrdruf.
Somehow I feel that the Dunhams loved America and raised their grandson that way.
And it seems pretty clear that by referring to how Obama was brought up, Giuliani has just spit on the graves of the Dunham family.
In contrast, Rudy Giuliani never served in the US military and nor did his father (his grandparents immigrated from Italy). As for how he was brought up (and this isn’t his fault), his father Harold served time in Sing Sing for robbery and then was a soldier in an organized crime operation in Brooklyn that ran a gambling racket and did loan sharking.http://www.juancole.com/2015/02/giul...-families.html
LOL - He also gave an impassioned speech to the Donald in this video:

He gave an impassioned speech to the Iranian American Community of Arizona a few days ago and ripped Obama up one side and down the other for negotiating with Iran.


Enjoy. I did. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Thank you Whirlaway. My mama always said that the Jews were Italians turned inside out, but I now say the Italians are Jews turned inside out. This mans got chutzpah and hopefully runs for President. He's already proven himself and God knows we sure need him now. Go Mr Mayor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rudy says they were brought up differently....
Obama was largely brought up after age 10 .... Originally Posted by WTF
Rudy is correct in that Obama was brought up differently.

Somehow you left out the particulars on how that it is true and decided to focus on Rudy's family history. Didn't you once describe Obama as a "Cock Sucker?" Are you losing your standing in the "Austin Reacharound Crew?"
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  • 02-21-2015, 11:06 AM
Rudy is correct in that Obama was brought up differently.

Somehow you left out the particulars on how that it is true and decided to focus on Rudy's family history. ?" Originally Posted by gnadfly
Boo fucking Hoo. Rudy says that Obama was not raised like us. Who the fuck is us? Was the person that raised you a gangster? Or did the person who raised you serve in the military like my Caregiver did? Rudy is full of shit on this one and you are the cocksucker for supporting the dumb SOB.
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  • 02-21-2015, 11:13 AM
Thank you Whirlaway. This mans got chutzpah and hopefully runs for President. He's already proven himself and God knows we sure need him now. Go Mr Mayor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by Cherie
You do realize that Obama is not running again and that Rudy has already run and got trounced. The Dem's would love for this guy to run again.
Occam's razor tells us Obama wants Iran to have nuclear weapons. It makes the only sense and fits well with Liberal think = if America can have the bomb, then Iran should have it. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The same Occam's razor tells me you're an idiot. It's the only explanation. If you really believe this shit you post, I feel sorry for you. It must be hell inside your head, what with all the rocks rolling around and shit. Why shouldn't we negotiate with them? We can't bully everyone into doing what we want them to do by force. At some point we will run into someone who doesn't want to take that anymore. Like China. We don't want to pick a fight with China. As for Iran, it's Israel that wants them nuclear free. You guys didn't learn anything from Iraq. You just don't go barging into another sovereign country and start fucking shit up. How would we like it if someone did that to us? I'm guessing we would take umbrage.
Boo fucking Hoo. Originally Posted by WTF
Stop crying. It may improve your reading comprehension and ability to draw logical conclusions. I'm not whipping your ass that badly yet anyway.

Rudy says that Obama was not raised like us. Who the fuck is us?... Originally Posted by WTF
The folks whose mom didn't decide to marry a married man.
The folks whose mom didn't take them thousands of miles away while still a baby because the father beat her.
The folks who weren't raised in Indonesia.
The folks who didn't go to a Muslim elementary school.
That "us."
I could go on...

He had a very unusual upbringing. It was pointed out during his 2008 election. Hell, he supposedly wrote a book about it, it was lauded, along with the fact that he wasn't raised "like us."

Was the person that raised you a gangster? Or did the person who raised you serve in the military like my Caregiver did? Rudy is full of shit on this one and you are the cocksucker for supporting the dumb SOB. Originally Posted by WTF
More deflection by the moronic buffoon. What did I support specifically that Rudy said other than he was raised differently?

Have you ever heard the saying "The child is the father to the man?" How about "Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man?"

What I don't understand is why you are personally attacking the bringer of a possible explanation of Obama's behavior and policies when you yourself called Obama a "cock sucker."

..other than you are a moronic buffoon.

You may resume your boo hoo hoo'ing.
.... As for Iran, it's Israel that wants them nuclear free.... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
No. The Arab countries don't want Iran to have a nuclear weapon either. Nor does Europe. But few, if any, of them will pony up military force to stop Iran. But it appears the sanctions are having some effect.