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JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No more Bushes and no more Clintons. I am proposing a moratorium on both families for the next 20 years. So stand up, sign up, and follow me to the ballot box.

No more Bushes and no more Clintons. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I will pledge to not vote for either a Bush or a Clinton during the 2016 primary season.

Is that close enough?
  • DSK
  • 02-23-2015, 05:18 AM
No more Bushes and no more Clintons. I am proposing a moratorium on both families for the next 20 years. So stand up, sign up, and follow me to the ballot box.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Sounds reasonable!!
I can go with that.

One of the more hilarious things I heard said on MSNBC last week was when Chris's Mathews told the panel that people would reject Jeb Bush because they wanted to move forward.......but then gave a glorious account of how Hillary would be accepted by voters as a fresh new face.

Hillary is about as "fresh"as a two week old tampon laying in a dumpster.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Now we can get a movement going...
Now we can get a movement going... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
When ever I think of Hillary it makes me have Bowl Movement, is that what you mean?

Hillary and Jeb are inevitable. The money is cascading in for both.....

Anybody see the list of advisors Jeb released? Included Paul Wolfowitz, among other neo-con war-mongering fucked up Iraq war lying pieces of shit....truly sad.
When ever I think of Hillary it makes me have Bowl Movement, is that what you mean?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Jimbo, "Bowl Movement?"

Which Bowl is it that you are wanting moved? Sugar, Fiesta, Cotton, Orange or Rose? And where do you want it (or them) to go?

Hmmm, perhaps you're referring to the Super Bowl.

Please be more specific!
Hillary and Jeb are inevitable. The money is cascading in for both.....

Anybody see the list of advisors Jeb released? Included Paul Wolfowitz, among other neo-con war-mongering fucked up Iraq war lying pieces of shit....truly sad. Originally Posted by timpage

Ain't it the truth. Jeb Bush talks about how he wants to move forward, and how he is "his own man". Yeh, sure. When's Cheney and Rumsfeld getting on board.

I can't believe we are now going to be subjected to more of this "American Royalty" bullshit with another Clinton/Bush run. There has to be 80,000,000 people in this Country who meet the Constitutional requirements for President.

Goddamn, there has to be something better. On both sides.
No more bush or Clinton but the rest of the choices are just as heinous.
A vote for Hillary or Jeb is a vote for the Muslim Brotherhood.
A vote for Hillary or Jeb is a vote for the Muslim Brotherhood. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I can go with that.

One of the more hilarious things I heard said on MSNBC last week was when Chris's Mathews told the panel that people would reject Jeb Bush because they wanted to move forward.......but then gave a glorious account of how Hillary would be accepted by voters as a fresh new face.

Hillary is about as "fresh"as a two week old tampon laying in a dumpster. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I think you are going to have a lot of people staying home on election day in 2016 if these are the choices.