San Francisco DA official says crime surge fears are linked to racism

  • oeb11
  • 07-06-2021, 07:51 AM

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FOX News

San Francisco DA official says crime surge fears are linked to racism

Duration: 03:37 9 mins ago

A senior official in the San Francisco District Attorney's office links fears of a crime surge to racism; Fox News contributor Leo Terrell reacts.

Comment - Kerosene maxine, Sharpton, and teh Squad are so pleased !
rexdutchman's Avatar
Go figure , the most corrupt DA office in the world (remember the vp got her start on her back here )
Ripmany's Avatar
Op post to many dumb ass post at one time there 3 n front page
If Citizens want their cities to thrive and crime to be manageable they must support the Police. New applicants must be welcomed by city officials. They must be trained and be paid. Also the voters must stop electing far left candidates for high political positions. They have proven time and time again they are too incompetent to run a city or state and make life safe for the average Law Abiding Citizen. Empowering citizens with the Second Amendment. Encouraging citizens to arm themselves and make firearm training courses available would give citizens the confidence to protect themselves and deter violent crime.
you shouldn't have fears of the crime all about you, its racist to have fears
Chung Tran's Avatar
(remember the vp got her start on her back here ) Originally Posted by rexdutchman
It was on her knees, specifically.

Hand everyone a gun, and hope the good guy draws his firearm and can shoot the bad guy first. Yeah, great idea to stop violent crime!
bambino's Avatar
It was on her knees, specifically.

Hand everyone a gun, and hope the good guy draws his firearm and can shoot the bad guy first. Yeah, great idea to stop violent crime! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Walk around south Chicago without a gun. You would have zero chance of survival.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
And all this time I figured crime surge fears were linked to a crime surge.
It was on her knees, specifically.

Hand everyone a gun, and hope the good guy draws his firearm and can shoot the bad guy first. Yeah, great idea to stop violent crime! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
That's the exact attitude Liberals want everyone to have, that way they can push Push their Gun Control agenda. If you are ever the victim of a home invasion even if the perp is unarmed how would you fare?
Chung Tran's Avatar
If you are ever the victim of a home invasion even if the perp is unarmed how would you fare? Originally Posted by Levianon17
You had to change the subject to make a point. The issue is open carry, not gun for protection in your own home. For the gun nuts to prevail in their argument, they have to hyperbolize and say ''Liberals'' want to take all your guns, to control you.

That Dog aint huntin', no matter how often you say it.
  • oeb11
  • 07-06-2021, 01:02 PM
CT - the point of teh thread is that the idiot DPST fascists blame racism' ( of white people) - for the rise in violence.

They ( and you) - pay no attention to releasing criminals with no charges, emptying prisons, and ignoring lawlessness - such as walking out of stores with unpaid merchandise with impunity. Criminals see no consequences - and that begets violence.

Take a walk yourself on the streets of NY shitty - see how long it takes for you as an asian to be assaulted, mugged, robbed, stabbed, shot.

But No - it is all about removing AR-15's from lawfull (white) owners - as the cure for all ills of the Fascist DPST corrupt leaders who inflict their version of dystopia on America.

wake up - CT!
You had to change the subject to make a point. The issue is open carry, not gun for protection in your own home. For the gun nuts to prevail in their argument, they have to hyperbolize and say ''Liberals'' want to take all your guns, to control you.

That Dog aint huntin', no matter how often you say it. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
There's nothing wrong with carrying a weapon on one's person for self protection. Our Constitution gives American Citizens that right. The Constitution does not allow for individuals to commit criminal offenses with a firearm specifically or just being armed while in commission of a Felony. Yes, Liberals are all in on the idea of making gun ownership for Law Abiding Citizens more difficult, that idea doesn't deter crime. Joe Biden has already made it clear he's coming for Guns.
CT - the point of teh thread is that the idiot DPST fascists blame racism' ( of white people) - for the rise in violence.

They ( and you) - pay no attention to releasing criminals with no charges, emptying prisons, and ignoring lawlessness - such as walking out of stores with unpaid merchandise with impunity. Criminals see no consequences - and that begets violence.

Take a walk yourself on the streets of NY shitty - see how long it takes for you as an asian to be assaulted, mugged, robbed, stabbed, shot.

But No - it is all about removing AR-15's from lawfull (white) owners - as the cure for all ills of the Fascist DPST corrupt leaders who inflict their version of dystopia on America.

wake up - CT! Originally Posted by oeb11
when the dimocrats in here type, their lack of fealty to truth, cohesive thought, and fairness, and their judgementalism, and inconsistency and charlatanism reminds me of the leftists recent claim that conservatives were the ones who wanted to defund the police
  • oeb11
  • 07-06-2021, 01:36 PM
NGIT - Hypocrisy and Lies are the core belief system of teh fascist DPST's.

Well lweritten - good sir!
rexdutchman's Avatar
A society where truth becomes treason, then we're in big trouble folks