Double Standards

It hardly seems fair that there are girls coming out of the woodwork lately going on and on about how wonderful they are from head to toe and how absolutely perfect their dates always are because they are just the most amazing provider EVER... however, if I, or any other providers in the local area, were to post something like that it would be considered an AD, and I would not only get my post removed, but also get points and an ass chewing to go with it. Also, the thinly veiled "flirting" and ego boosting recently are clearly ADS, as well, in my opinion.

No, I'm not jealous, and no, I'm not a hater. I'm doing just fine, in fact.
It just doesn't seem right to me, especially when the local ladies have to sit back and just watch it happen, without being able to say a word.
It's very frustrating, to say the least. If there are going to be board rules they should apply to all who contribute here, without variation.
Kaboom's Avatar
Not being able to see who gets points or not, meaning I can't exactly give a perfectly informed opinion, but I really don't see local girls being persecuted any more or less than traveling girls (or girls not in the area but still post here). I believe Fire Serpent has said multiple times that word from the owner says they are allowed as long as they fit within the rest of the rules of the board (paraphrasing because I'm not sure if it was exactly that phrasing, but something along those lines, if I'm wrong, I'd gladly be proven wrong) and he will act within the owner's words. If other mods are pointing you or any other local ladies, but not others, then you should discuss that with our mod, me thinks.
No, you're not wrong Kaboom, IMO, Staci is just "seeing" this and coming from a place you can't truly appreciate as well as she and others can - due (again, IMHO) solely to the actions of past moderators regarding threADs - you wouldn't believe how iron-fisted the moderation was in the past regarding the "offense" of beginning a threAD . . .



ECCIE policy has been clarified regarding threADs; they're now perfectly acceptable and no action will be taken against them via moderation.

So, we can all play the game and begin threAD after threAD or simply wait for the guys to get sick to death of them and see them for what they are . . .

In the end it will level out and threADs will eventually make the lady beginning the threAD look, well, like they look now - and the members will call them out for it. At least that is how it happens for the most part in other city/state specific forums here on ECCIE currently. You can begin a threAD in say, Texas, for instance, but for the most part the guys will shun you, bark at you, and eventually twist your threAD to the point you wished you'd never typed it out . . . I've seen it happen many times. . . They (the gentlemen here in KC/KS and most of the Midwest threads) just haven't quite figured it out in the same manner as other areas . . . That may be because frankly, guys are nicer as a whole here, but also because the average "time on a SHMB" is far greater for guys in other areas than it is for guys here. With tenure on a SHMB comes intolerance for things like threADs and I believe the board owners want the community to level threADs out, rather than they be moderated excessively. It wastes the mods time.

I know this is completely contrary to how you and I and many others that have been here for a long time were "taught through example" re: threADs in the past by Bubba and Omahan . . . But, it is how it is.

When Co-Ed and ISO are littered beyond recognition with threADs that do nothing but clutter up the place and good info can't be found easily, IMO, it will eventually backfire on the lady and cost her business - or at least get her a bit of a cold shoulder in the threAD or via PM . . . When that happens to enough ladies, it should settle down . . .

In the meantime . . . well, I guess it is game on.

Hell, you know as well as I do, that there are many gentlemen here that see ANY and EVERY post a lady makes as an "ad" . . .


- Jackie
I haven't been given points in a long time because I was told once not to do it, so I followed that rule. Not sure if others are or not, because I rarely talk to other providers anymore unless I'm in need of, or giving, a reference.

Maybe the rules have changed since back then, I dunno. IN THAT CASE, I'm f'n fabulous, fellas, and you should all call me, immediately!
Thanks for clearing that up, Jackie! I honestly did not know that!

I'll still post my ADS in the AD me
IN THAT CASE, I'm f'n fabulous, fellas, and you should all call me, immediately! Originally Posted by Staci Stacked
Yes, you are sweetie! And, I'm sure they will. If they can't reach you, then they should call me! Yes, this is now a threAD.

I'll still post my ADS in the AD me Originally Posted by Staci Stacked
I'm certain that the gentlemen will appreciate that . . .


- Jackie
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Stacy has set the standard for doubles. Her doubles are about the best around. I personally need to compare them to Jackie's however.
Thanks for posting that Jackie. It seems like every other week I have to remind ladies on here that ThreADs are ok AND, not only will I not remove them but I will not point them for it either. I've honestly never liked the idea of pointing/removing threADs... I think of it as creative marketing/advertising.

So, for the 7th time in the last 2 months... threADs are fine. In fact, lets talk about how Stacked Staci is and how the thought of Jackie makes you want to jac... well you get the idea.
JackJohnson's Avatar
So, we can all play the game and begin threAD after threAD or simply wait for the guys to get sick to death of them and see them for what they are . . .

- Jackie Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
By all means, play the game. I don't see why this thread wasn't a PM to a moderator for clarification? If men didn't like the posts, they wouldn't play back. It's the market, they like the fantasy of banter, the ego stroke or what not... Its a turn on for some folks. It's positive for the people who engage in its business... etc etc.

I mean its a bulletin board. People don't have to get sick of threads, they can simply not read them, move on... etc etc... There isn't really any need to control it. Twitter, Facebook, all type of social sites... even ones centered around a business like this one are used for marketing. It makes even more sense here.

The difference between an ad... a threAD...and a legitimate post with flirting as an aside is wholly subjective and I can see why you wouldn't want moderators to have to make that subjective call, with all of its inherent impact on someone's economic well-being. I mean... come on... retract the soap box folks, its been said time and time again... airing this in public isn't a turn on and I don't think it helps business. Which is what this is all about isn't it

I mean aren't part of what you folks are putting out there is personality, intelligence and things related to the fact that most of you are pretty equally hot and capable of performing adequately? Your attitude around here will probably be a good tie breaker and gain you trust and happy faces who feel comfortable making that call!

However, I wish a bunch of offended providers wouldve jumped in, I do like a good exchange between hot women... its fun.. now where's my popcorn icon!!!!


ss4699's Avatar
So it is ok for a nonverified lady to place an ad in the Coed Section? So I have been wasting my time hitting the REPORT button?
I have started posting over here recently due to the fact with some recent drama with some of the OK board members, it is not as active and as fun as it use to be. There are a few here that I have seen, and/or have bantered with in the OK forum, so I am comfortable in this section.

Being low volume, and not having a social life, I have pretty much 'adopted' this as being my social life. You can look at me, and my high post count as being pathetic....go ahead, I'm OK with that.

I don't travel, and I have no interest in posting an ad here in KS, not in the ad section or in ThreAD form.

I hear what you are saying though Staci, I have seen it myself, and if they are ladies with strong personalities, and a vile attitude, it is actually very sickening. They are on the 'hunt' for their prey, and you see it very clearly.

Now, with all of that being said, I have known some great gentlemen who have seen Staci and they all have nothing but great and amazing stories to tell. With this post, I beleive she may also have a whole lot of class and self respect as well, and everyone knows, a woman who has all of that going for her in the Hobby, is a very rare find indeed!
Thanks for posting that Jackie. It seems like every other week I have to remind ladies on here that ThreADs are ok AND, not only will I not remove them but I will not point them for it either. I've honestly never liked the idea of pointing/removing threADs... I think of it as creative marketing/advertising.

So, for the 7th time in the last 2 months... threADs are fine. In fact, lets talk about how Stacked Staci is and how the thought of Jackie makes you want to jac... well you get the idea.
Originally Posted by FireSerpent
As I said before, if things had changed I wasn't aware of it. I haven't had much time lately for board socializing, considering all of the things that have been going on in my personal life, ie: the possible murder of a family member, an upcoming surgery, joining a health club and working out/tanning almost daily, family members moving home and back out again, a wedding, a vacation, kiddo going back to school, etc. Sometimes real life has a way of screwing up my play/research/advertising time. Sorry if I upset you FS, I certainly hadn't meant to. I was asking an honest, legitimate question. Plus, it's hard to find real, imperative information here sometimes, what with all the threADS around here, lately.

And, quite frankly, I hope the ladies I am referring to do NOT take this as a personal attack on them. It wasn't meant to be that, at all. Hey, if it's working for them, and they can get away with it, I say GO FOR IT!

The gents who already enjoy my company or want to in the future may very well be the gents who like their threADS and want to meet them, too. And, I'm ok with that.
So it is ok for a nonverified lady to place an ad in the Coed Section? So I have been wasting my time hitting the REPORT button? Originally Posted by newtotown

Technically what you reported was not an ad. However, that communication needed to go in the Welcome section.
As I said before, if things had changed I wasn't aware of it. I haven't had much time lately for board socializing, considering all of the things that have been going on in my personal life, ie: the possible murder of a family member, an upcoming surgery, joining a health club and working out/tanning almost daily, family members moving home and back out again, a wedding, a vacation, kiddo going back to school, etc. Sometimes real life has a way of screwing up my play/research/advertising time. Sorry if I upset you FS, I certainly hadn't meant to. I was asking an honest, legitimate question. Plus, it's hard to find real, imperative information here sometimes, what with all the threADS around here, lately.

And, quite frankly, I hope the ladies I am referring to do NOT take this as a personal attack on them. It wasn't meant to be that, at all. Hey, if it's working for them, and they can get away with it, I say GO FOR IT!

The gents who already enjoy my company or want to in the future may very well be the gents who like their threADS and want to meet them, too. And, I'm ok with that. Originally Posted by Staci Stacked

Believe me, it takes quite a bit to upset me.
malwoody's Avatar
So it is ok for a nonverified lady to place an ad in the Coed Section? So I have been wasting my time hitting the REPORT button? Originally Posted by newtotown
Most of what you do is a waste of time...