
luv2luv's Avatar
Mods, you need to man up. If you take no action to ban this op, you become part of the problem. This board does not need self-admitted sexual abusers free to post their exploits, while your response is to ignore it and ban others for simple insults.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
We don't see everything all of the time or on here 24/7. This is why we rely on guys and gals hitting the rtm button to report issues.

Going into your post history and the rtm forum for the staff I don't see where you have "Manned Up" and hit the rtm button to report any issues concerning this person.

You've been here since 2009. I'm sure you know how to report a post, thread, review.

If you see a post that needs to be reported, you should "be a Man, Use your Hand" and hit that little red triangle with the "!" in the middle and explain why you think there is an issue. Staff we review the reported post for any site guideline violations and take it from there.