When will Obama send Holder to investigate

Who wants to bet that racist inciting Obama will not send Holder and his goons to investigate this. After all, it was only 20 blacks that nearly beat one white guy to death. Not enough for Obama or Holder to worry about. You liberals need to face the fact that Obama is the most racist and polarizing president we have ever had.

They won't investigate it. Furthermore the media will not cover it nearly as rigorous as they have in the Shooting in Ferguson MO. That's what happens when we have vindictive race baiting politicians and on top of that they are grossly incompetent.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
It was MISSISSIPPI. He was warned not to go in there. Nothing to investigate. He walked into a thugnasty greasy spoon in a thugnasty neighborhood and got his ass beaten up.

Are you dumb enough to go into a place like that, especially after being warned you'll get your ass beaten up?

If anybody should be investigated it's the dumbass who obviously didn't understand the words "DON'T GO IN THERE."

Good thing he didn't "bum rush" a black Muslim cop.

Then you pansies would REALLY have something to piss and moan about.
It was MISSISSIPPI. He was warned not to go in there. Nothing to investigate. He walked into a thugnasty greasy spoon in a thugnasty neighborhood and got his ass beaten up.

Are you dumb enough to go into a place like that, especially after being warned you'll get your ass beaten up?

If anybody should be investigated it's the dumbass who obviously didn't understand the words "DON'T GO IN THERE."

Good thing he didn't "bum rush" a black Muslim cop.

Then you pansies would REALLY have something to piss and moan about. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Of course there's nothing to investigate it was a white guy who got his ass kicked an inch away from his life by several black guys. If it was the other way around Eric Holder would have said it was your classic hate crime. But not in this case.

dreamvacationdates's Avatar
I call bullshit, he got his ass kicked because he went in there and started some shit, that's why he got beat down and not his buddy, the only reason he got injury was when he was trying to give his friend help to get away, if it was just because they're white is wrong, if it was they would of came at him too, most likely dude started talking some shit, and that got the ball rolling.
Just because you have freedom of speech doesn't mean you can't suffer the consequences for expressing it.
Know where you are.
I call bullshit, he got his ass kicked because he went in there and started some shit, that's why he got beat down and not his buddy, the only reason he got injury was when he was trying to give his friend help to get away, if it was just because they're white is wrong, if it was they would of came at him too, most likely dude started talking some shit, and that got the ball rolling.
Just because you have freedom of speech doesn't mean you can't suffer the consequences for expressing it.
Know where you are. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
Is that what happened or is that what you think happened?

Guest123018-4's Avatar
I suppose that would be similar to the young man that was beaten to death, his friend that was nearly beaten to death, at a McDonalds in College Station. The young men beaten were white and the attaqackers were all black.
McDonalds ends up paying about 27 million yet no news coverage or investigation of a hate crime by the federal government.

Only whitey is capable of hate and have no right to that emotion. Even though it is rather insane to criminalize emotion. It is a libtard law which is not surprising at all.

The reality is that if white people were to march in protest they wold all be called racist klansmen. Until whitey stops cowering from the libtards and stand up for what is right, whitey will continue to be the oppressed and take it up the ass silently. Where are the white protestors? Where are the white looters? Where are the white people trashing the town? Where is whitey's Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and Quanell #10??
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 08-28-2014, 05:38 PM
Where the fuck is odumbo, and holder on this ^^^^^^ one. Xxx
Sometime in 2017.
Oddly I don't believe any of the 20 thugs know who Dillon Tyler is....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Like the UT fan who walked into a bar in Oklahoma and started some shit. They tore his nuts off. Literally.

it was dumbass on dumbass.

Know where you are.

I agree.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I suppose that would be similar to the young man that was beaten to death, his friend that was nearly beaten to death, at a McDonalds in College Station. The young men beaten were white and the attaqackers were all black.
McDonalds ends up paying about 27 million yet no news coverage or investigation of a hate crime by the federal government.

Only whitey is capable of hate and have no right to that emotion. Even though it is rather insane to criminalize emotion. It is a libtard law which is not surprising at all.

The reality is that if white people were to march in protest they wold all be called racist klansmen. Until whitey stops cowering from the libtards and stand up for what is right, whitey will continue to be the oppressed and take it up the ass silently. Where are the white protestors? Where are the white looters? Where are the white people trashing the town? Where is whitey's Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and Quanell #10?? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Amen to that my brother.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If IBHomo had been there, he'd have kicked all of their asses with his bare fists!
Assup says "he was warned". It's bizarre how liberals like him justify the violent acts that their pets commit without provocation.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Assup says "he was warned". It's bizarre how liberals like him justify the violent acts that their pets commit without provocation. Originally Posted by Nick Gers
No, dipshit. the fucking STORY says he was warned the place wasn't safe for whites.

Oh? You didn't read the story? Is that because white folks are discriminated against by the public education system and you never learned? is it because all them severely tanned folk are getting all de attentiom?

I don't condone any acts of violence, but I am disgusted by idiots like you who live in the filth of self-loathing racism.