Now the story can be told.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Using the guise of a vacation our glorious commander in chief journeyed to Libya and personally led the forces that forced Ghadaffi from power. Inspired by the heros who got Bin Laden our man in the Oval office began an intense training program to carry out the plan concieved inside the White House. Traveling incongito BHO, LM, and CDN were inserted in a beach landing where they joined the insurgents. As you can see from recent news, things have changed greatly in the last 96 hours since their arrival.
This explains the absence of our friends and Obama will appear shortly to spike the football. Whether Ghadaffi falls into the hands of his enemies at this point is not important, the world knows that BHO is on the job 24/7/365.
BobInKC's Avatar
Expect credit to be taken in 3....2....1....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What, exactly, did we win?
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 08-23-2011, 03:01 PM
I've been half-way expecting the rightwingnuts to somehow give credit to GW for Gadhafi's downfall.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
Give him credit or not but thats 2 assholes gone under his leadership. Who's next.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Assholes were not defeated, simply replaced by other assholes. Big victory.
why are we to believe the rebels have americas best interests at heart?
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
Cog we don't live there so fuck who they have in power. What we should care about is if they fuck with us then we will get their ass. Like you cog I don't think big wars help us. I do believe that a few dead assholes serves a point.

I have said over and over we don't need to take over any country, we don't need to give them money, we don't need to send 100's of our troupes there just bomb the fuckers house.

Mind our shit here. Everyone yells about the money we spend on ourselves but what about all the handouts, bribes, and hay just be a good boy and here's some money.

Give me a repub who says their not giving isreal any money and let them fight that middle east shit themself and I will vote for them any time
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I agree with you Cheaper on Israel, but we had no business in Libya. Dead assholes, fine. Dead American soldiers for no reason, not fine.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
Cog if not anything at least Obama is the first to under stand hay we have planes and other things to kill with we don't need boots on the ground and most important he let the UN and the French pussy put their names on it we just put our superior knowledge in it.

We should have just killed saddam but no to many in power wanted to make money off it.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
The other 2 dumb wars were just money makers research how many of the bush clan make money off weapons and others we vote for, check their fam's stock remember vice dick head
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess C2B must be reminded that those "other two dumb wars" are still being fought and being paid for by your hero Obama. So how exactly is Bush making money off these "other two dumb wars"? You do remember the Taliban and 9/11 don't you. Kerry, Obama, and Clinton didn't think that Afghanistan was dumb, why do you?

As for air power versus boot power; Reagan knew about that and got awfully close. Too bad we didn't real good support from our allies or even our enemies (USSR). Clinton tried the airpower thing in Bosnia but screwed it up with his temerity. Then again we were told that we were not flying missions inside Libya, we were using cruise missiles and air tankers. Clinton also used cruise missiles against Bin Laden, Hussein, and the Sudan which was an expensive, wasted effort.

Nice that Ghadaffi is going to be gone but we need to see the result before we should celebrate but then again people are starving in Somalia (again) and Obama has cut aid by almost 75%. Why does Obama hate Africans so much? Before you write C2B, you are a liberal and you should be supporting more spending automatically. Especially for a worthy cause like starving people. So why do you hate African people?
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
Listen you dick wad what people did yesterday is the past fuck history or your fucked up understanding of it. Today is what matters to day old bin is dead and the tent lover is on the run. Bitch I talked about isreal what do you have to say about it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm getting to him.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 08-25-2011, 03:05 PM
Had to know the Republicans were going to take credit.

WASHINGTON—GOP officials claimed credit Thursday for the Libyan people’s liberation from Col. Muammar Qaddafi’s despotic 42-year rule, saying that without the Nixon administration permitting Qaddafi to take control of Libya in the first place, there never would have been a tyrannical regime to topple. “In 1969, Qaddafi staged a coup, abolished the monarchy, kicked out American forces, and demanded U.S. oil companies share more revenue or else face expulsion—had Nixon and his Republican appointees done anything at all to stop Qaddafi during this time, Libya wouldn’t be celebrating his downfall today, in 2011,” explained Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC), calling the Libyan uprising a clear feather in the GOP’s cap. “So once again, the Libyan people have only the Republican Party to thank, because without our brilliant foresight, there would have been no Qaddafi dictatorship, and without a Qaddafi dictatorship, there would never have been a reason for the uprising. Understand? Again, this is our accomplishment, and ours alone.” Before thanking reporters for their time, Graham quickly added that Barack Obama had failed on every level and will always fail on every level.,21210/