A question for sports fans and those who have moved around a lot

Miss_Mya's Avatar
I have a question for everyone out there. With football season upon us and with me moving away in about 6 months I started to wonder about a few things. One of those things is the fact that as much as I like the Chiefs and hope they do well I am wondering if I will find myself rooting for the team that is closest to me. The question is if you moved around a lot did you change the team you rooted for?
Thequeen's Avatar
I will always cheer for the chiefs , however I love the game of football and do cheer for other teams as well. I tend to cheer for teams that have players I know unless they are playing against the chiefs... It's ok to cheer for the chiefs where you live unless you move to oakland. I would advise you not to wear red to the Black Hole.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Growing up a military brat may explain my ambiguity about sports. You move every two or so years so who do you cheer? The teams where grandma lives namely the Chiefs and the Athletics or do you cheer the team where you are currently living? Today more than yesterday the team rosters are not local. It would be more fun if your team was made of players from the colleges within a couple of hundred miles but that is not true anymore with high value players. It seems like all professional sports have become a product for sale to the consumer. Once in a while you get a player like Brett who wants to live where he works. Even after retirement.
BobInKC's Avatar
I lived in Vegas for over 15 years so there was no local team to follow. I've been a Royals, Chiefs, and Oklahoma fan since I've been young and cheer for no one else. I'm a loyal person and couldn't see myself cheering for another team. I might follow another team(say if they draft some OU players) but I would never ditch my hometoen teams, no matter how much they suck. And with the internet and other outlets it's really easy to stay on top of your local team.

BTW Queen, the Raider fans in LA are much worse than in Oakland. We were asked to leave a Chiefs/Raiders game there for our safety. We were covered in beer, ketchup, and God knows what else. Awful people.
Thequeen's Avatar
I think Raider fans everywhere are bad.... There was a shooting at the 49er/raider game over the weekend.. 9ers said the raider fans did it and raider fans said 9er fans did it.. Thats too much for me.. Its just a game yelling and a lil trash talking is fun but when you get drunk stupid people doing it everything can go wrong
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I lived in Ft Worth for a short time, and you had to swear eternal allegiance to the Cowboys, or you were escorted out of the state with tar and feathers. But it was fun, but I came to be a Chiefs fan on my own. I expect to stay with them from now on.
Well Queen since the Fan that got gut shot, was wearing a F---Niners shirt who knows. When I worked the Chiefs-Raiders game back in 2001 as a fan assistant, I saw quite a few fights between the Raiders and Chiefs fans. Not saying all Raider fans are bad but as you say when you have a several drinks tailgaiting and than drink during the game it happens.
As far as me I will always cheer the Chiefs on no matter where I live. Hell I even wore Chiefs gear when I lived in LA lol
swarmyone's Avatar
I'm a homer and always root for the home team. I enjoy the gameday experience no matter where I'm at. With the exception of Denver. If I were to someday find myself forced to live in Denver, I'd rather shove a pencil in my eye than root for the Broncos.
I've been a Packers fan since my early teens. I've lived in a couple different states, but always stayed a loyal Packers fan.
Kaboom's Avatar
I haven't moved around enough to experience a different city where the majority follows a different team than mine. Still, I don't think I could ever see a day where I'm not a Chiefs and Royals fan, despite their collective suckitude over the last 30 or so (more so the Royals, but still). I think we'll be stuck together for a long, long time.
I have always lived in KC so teams to root for have never been a question. However my son moved from KC to the Seattle area a couple of years ago and has remained a Chiefs fan and even a Royals fan. And to show how strong his feelings are he even changed his email to royalsfaninwashington.
I have moved around alot, and also lived in Vegas for 15 years where there aren't any local teams. I tend to root for teams that catch my interest, whoever they are. Now that I have been in KC for quite a few years, I became a Chiefs fan when Trent Green and the Priest were playing. It was such an exciting team to watch, if only they could play a little D. I am still a Chiefs fan, but won't bother watching them play when they suck and frustrate me, and its looking like one of those years!
Miss_Mya's Avatar
I want to thank everyone for their input. I just hope I am in an area with a team. There are only a couple of teams I can not see myself rotting for so hopefully I won't be near them.