Makes you proud to be an American

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Or maybe I should say an Obama supporter. Gibson guitars of Tennesse gets raided. Yes, that Gibson guitars! What did they do? Besides being supporters of the GOP and a non-union shop in a right to work state. The Fish and Wildlife Service (?) is not exacting forthcoming but the word is that pallets of imported wood were confiscated. Wood that some people say is regulated wood from Africa. Of course this IS NOT raw wood according to Gibson but processed wood from a known source.
Imagine buying a load of wood from Home Depot to panel your library (what? you don't have a library?) and the feds so up at your door to confiscate your wood. They also suggest that you are in trouble and in this case Home Depot in another country so they get off the hook.
Bartman1963's Avatar
Why are you so curious about my wood? Do you think of my wood often? Have you ever been caught dreaming about my wood (pun intended)? I have to admit JD, I knew you were once a sailor and had a thing for Asians, but I have to admit that finding out that you care about my wood, and Gibson's wood to be a little disturbing. Creepy even.

Quit thinking about my wood, dammit.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There were no lemonade stands in the neighborhood, and they couldn't return to the office empty handed.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A little off base, I was never in the navy. Who told you otherwise?

Asians are fun, but then again so are Arabs (if you can get one), I don't discriminate but I do like my women with dark or red hair. That and a little tabasco sauce.

Back on topic; competitor to Gibson guitars uses same (illegal) wood but donates to democrats and Obama, not raided.
simplyme's Avatar
Ok maybe nobody has ever said this to you but I will, the whole world is unfair. The Reallllly odd part is that given you own admission that Democrats are tantamount to the scum at the bottom of a septic tank. They always seem to come out on top. Crazy I say
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
When heated, impurities rise to the surface.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually I have few problems with democrats like Harry Truman, JFK, RFK, McGovern, or Lieberman. They may have slightly to the left on some issues but on the really important ones they stand with me. It is the progressive/socialist/neo liberals that hate this country, that think this country has never done any good in the world, that this country is the root of all evil in the world, and would force me to do things that I am diametrically opposed to (Obama, Hillary, Reid, Pelosi, Emmanuel, Soros, Blomberg, etc) that I have some serious issues with.

This is just one example where an individual is using the power of the peoples government to punish people who are exercising their RIGHTS to oppose him. If you donated to the GOP or any candidate you name is known and posted on the Huffington Post if you give over $200. The liberals screamed bloody murder when they accused Nixon of using the FBI but never provided proof. Clinton used the IRS, but once again, the liberals were silent. Obama is using the IRS, the EPA, and the Justice Department to mete out punishment. Where are the liberals who always take offense and believe the worst? It was the GOP who went to Nixon and said it was time to go. No democrat would ever do that. Maybe that is not true. Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman went against the democratic party and now both of them are out of it. Miller is retired and Lieberman will have to fight for his life again next year.