PM sent box

abdclub's Avatar
How come my sent messages have all disappeared? Help!!!

DickEmDown's Avatar
We will try to find out for you adclub...
abdclub's Avatar
Any news?
DickEmDown's Avatar
There have been a few glitches with the site lately, causing members to loose some reviews, PM's etc. Adminstrators are working on it

PM me if they haven't returned in a couple days or so.
abdclub's Avatar
Any update on the glitches?
DickEmDown's Avatar
Still working on it.
abdclub's Avatar
When do you think this might be fixed!!
DickEmDown's Avatar
I will forward to admin.
I don't see any settings that would cause this to occur.
abdclub's Avatar
I'm sorry, but this is taking way too long!
abdclub's Avatar
It's been almost 2 months! Is there ever going to be a resolution!?
Mojojo's Avatar
Our admin saw nothing wrong with your settings, plus you were answered here.
abdclub's Avatar
Even my responses to the mods don't appear in my sent mailbox! I guess I'll have to continue without such an animal (sigh)!!
Combustion's Avatar
Don't use quick reply with PM's, click go advanced and send from there. I dont think QR actually sends anything.
abdclub's Avatar
Funny you should mention that .... I have never used quick reply!