Anyone see Missy formerly from emsworth lately?

She has been back around here and there in other parts of town. She had another kid and wondering if she is back to being the missy of old.
no, but I wouldn't mind doing some recon work if you have any contact info!
Last number I saw posted was 412-593-5806
Replies are hard to come by
Dr-epg's Avatar
Moved to coed
Responses never were easy, but thank you for the info!
drove a white kia suv?
(Staff edit) no longer needs to provide. guess that's good news for her kids and bad news for her stalkers.
I guess that's good for her
6 days and no response. I'm guessing that number is invalid.
She responded to me yesterday and we met yesterday evening. She has a little baby fat left but not much and still takes it like a champ.
snoopy75's Avatar
Is she still in Emsworth?
Link to an ad? pics?
never mind - found one