Inexplicable and Puzzling

is it really hard to know what side to be on these days?

take the OWS and their May Day rampage.

the crucifying of the oil industry while acting like we are for all the above

the oil pipeline politcal decision

the attempts of preemptive attacks on the supreme court

the ramming down our throats of obamacare, without a single compromise or attempt at a broad-based solution

dodd frank and the destruction of our housing and banking systems with termite stealth effectiveness

turning over egypt to the muslim brotherhood

maxine waters payoff to her relatives without any consequence for racial politics rules

eric holder and his "justice" department, from the new black panthers, to fast and furious, to treyvon, to bounties on citizens to only white people can be prosecuted for civil rights violations

the lies about the tea party

the false concepts of "fairness"

union protectionism at every turn

the "fundamentally changing of America" - what the hell does that mean? if that isnt the single biggest reason to vote this wolf out i dont know what is. America has been a beacon to people the world over, striving to get here, to get to its freedoms and liberty, and this presumptous, i took a course on this i know, fool, deigns to fundamentally change America and idiots lap that up?

I could go on. I just find it inexplicably irrational to consider voting for obama
TheDaliLama's Avatar

He's still running against GWB......
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WTF's Avatar
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  • 05-01-2012, 09:03 AM

the lies about the tea party
' Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
No need to lie about those , "Get the government out of our Medicare'' wacko's!

Bunch of Chicken Little crackers if I ever seen any!

No need to lie about those , "Get the government out of our Medicare'' wacko's!

Bunch of Chicken Little crackers if I ever seen any!
Originally Posted by WTF
you make up positions for people then pronounce it as their's way too frequently
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  • 05-01-2012, 09:12 AM
you make up positions for people then pronunce it as their's way too frequently Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
You can't make up the Tea Partyies positions!

Those MoFo's say they hate the government telling them what to do, so what do they do?.... they are going to run for elected positions and then tell the rest of us WTF to do if elected!

I can't make this stupid shit up!
joe bloe's Avatar
Unfortunately approximately half the voters don't care about any of the points you're making. On any given day they barely know which way is up. If you've ever watched Jay Leno's "Jaywalking" man on the street interviews you get a feel for the intellect of the average voter. What is obvious is that not only do they not know anything, they're not embarrassed or ashamed of it. They have no desire to learn. These people are completely vulnerable to demagogic politicians like Obama.

The presidential election will probably be decided based on the economy and which candidate is more likeable. Nixon may well have lost to Kennedy because he didn't wear makeup in the televised presidential debate. The fact that he had a five o'clock shadow and his upper lip was sweating may have cost him the election. Obama will probably win or lose based on factors equally as absurd.
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  • WTF
  • 05-01-2012, 09:15 AM
Unfortunately approximately half the voters don't care about any of the points you're making. On any given day they barely know which way is up. If you've ever watched Jay Leno's "Jaywalking" man on the street interviews you get a feel for the intellect of the average voter. What is obvious is that not only do they not know anything, they're not embarrassed or ashamed of it. They have no desire to learn. These people are completely vulnerable to demagogic politicians like Obama.

. Originally Posted by joe bloe
LOL, I love that segment. You do know that Leno only interviews Republican voters don't you. Most of them are Tea Party supporters!
You can't make up the Tea Partyies positions!

Those MoFo's say they hate the government telling them what to do, so what do they do?.... they are going to run for elected positions and then tell the rest of us WTF to do if elected!

I can't make this stupid shit up Originally Posted by WTF
this would make jay walking
joe bloe's Avatar
this would make jay walking Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
God made a typo when he made WTF
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-01-2012, 09:23 AM
this would make jay walking Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

No, I have already explained the the Leno show only interviews Tea Party supporters. Not folks like me that love to make fun of their convoluted positions!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-01-2012, 09:25 AM
God made a typo when he made WTF Originally Posted by joe bloe
God made the Tea Party and then said, "WTF?"

He made me to comment on you loons!

Guest123018-4's Avatar
WTF are you getting dementia? I am worried about you.
You of all people in favor of population control and reducing the number of 0people on the planet and you want to save a bunch of old worn out people that have served their usefulness to society or is it that yu are just in favor of the continued practice of eugenics as a means of population control. Would you call it self-genocide?

Do you just want to take the contrary position to attempt to make your weak points.
I know you are in favor of bigger and larger government that establish the rules for every minute of our existence but at least make some decent points about your feigned opposition.

Before you claim that the TEA party wants to eradicate Medicare examine where the funding for Obamacare will be coming from and how much of the cost is covered by shifting money from Medicare to Obamacare. Read the bill and get you a couple of lawyers to explain it to you.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WTF has his own delusional world, where he is the smartest and funniest. Don't try to correct him, it will only make him angry. Wait until he has his medication regulated again.

Gee, people wanting to run for office so they can change things. .How funny is that?

See what I mean? He's not even rational. Just pat him on the head, and say "It's ok." It's the only way to deal with him.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
WTF has his own delusional world, where he is the smartest and funniest. Don't try to correct him, it will only make him angry. Wait until he has his medication regulated again.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

aint dat da pot callin the kettle white. LOL!

Mr. CreepyOldLoser, the nurseaid will change ur depends then give u ur walker back so u can return 2 ur card game wit Mr. Hooper. LOL! u cooperate & shell give u a cookie!