Guys can chime in, too. Here's a situation I was in recently. Note: Because of my location in the boonies, I frequently schedule events 2 or more weeks in advance. You guys in Omaha who can go get laid anytime you want really piss me off. But I digress......
14 days before: I schedule the date.
9 Days before: Dang.....I'm coming down with something.
8 Days before: Really nasty summer cold.
6 Days before: Feeling human again
5 Days before: Feeling pretty good....some residual symptoms
1 Day before : Feeling fine, maybe a bit stuffy. Co-worker comments it sounds like I've still got a bad cold. If I sound this bad.....will it freak out the lady I'm seeing? I email her....laying out the above. Tell her I feel fine but sound bad. Give HER the pass or play option. She opts to play anyway.
My question: Did I handle this correctly? Ladies.....would you have wanted to know this prior to the meeting? Do you think I've just condemned myself to inferior service? I always want to do what is right for all parties involved. Is there a better way to handle this situation?