Why do the Saints....

Almost give us a heart attack every week during football season?? Today I was sitting on the edge of my couch almost had a heart attack. LOL

I have never wished for a Saints loss until today...what the hell were they calling pass plays for at the end of the game...could it have been an attempt to pad stats? Someone needs to remind Peyton and Brees that the defense sucks and leaving time on the clock cost them...think goodness for the Cleveland kicker being on the Saints team.
How bow dem Tiga's??? They are doing the same thing...
Agreed, if we play like this all year, it will make for a very long year.
OK who is ready for the 3:25 pm. game tomorrow??I am ready for some football....Saints vs. Giants....

Who Dat!!

I am excited the Saints are doing very well this season...Last Sunday's game was very exciting.

loverlove17's Avatar
yep it was a great game
Go P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Having a GREAT season!!!!! Geaux Saints!
Who is ready for some Saints football tomorrow?? I got invited to watch the game in the dome by a season ticket holder. I may just go.. IDK...We shall see...

Saints Play Philly in the dome....Who dat!!!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the saints at 9-1 are doing very well.

they are playing the falcons tomorrow night.

so happy thanksgiving to all of you.

now lets see about roasting those Doity birds. do they like it medium well or well done???