Pregnant providers

Hope this is not too taboo of a question. I just saw a posting in the Provider Ads area of the city I am in right now that made me remember this thread...

I have been around long enough to have seen lots of ads, reviews, and requests for pregnant providers. Many providers I have known in and out of the hobby who I know are not married and have no SO have become pregnant. I am curious how many of those pregnancies were the result of a hobby accident (condom breaks, slips off, etc.). Or, if they are having unprotected sex in their personal lives outside the hobby.

I have been with one provider who fit the description above. No spouse or pregnant...had her baby...then returned to providing. Saw her a few months after delivery. Wanted to ask her about the circumstances, but was not sure how to ask without feeling like I might be putting her on the spot or just asking the wrong way.

I am in no way trying to be judgmental to anyone. I am just curious about these situations. What are your thought?
Who the hell knows??? IDK of any way you could tell (or even the provider could tell) w/o multiple DNA tests. IDT you could even guess at this answer.
shorty's Avatar
Hope this is not too taboo of a question. I just saw a posting in the Provider Ads area of the city I am in right now that made me remember this thread...

I have been around long enough to have seen lots of ads, reviews, and requests for pregnant providers. Many providers I have known in and out of the hobby who I know are not married and have no SO have become pregnant. I am curious how many of those pregnancies were the result of a hobby accident (condom breaks, slips off, etc.). Or, if they are having unprotected sex in their personal lives outside the hobby.

I have been with one provider who fit the description above. No spouse or pregnant...had her baby...then returned to providing. Saw her a few months after delivery. Wanted to ask her about the circumstances, but was not sure how to ask without feeling like I might be putting her on the spot or just asking the wrong way.

I am in no way trying to be judgmental to anyone. I am just curious about these situations. What are your thought? Originally Posted by tristan

No not another BBFS thread only worded differently!
everyone has their own story to tell, if she really wants to share she will let you know. if she doesn't go into detail it is best to respect her discretion.
London Rayne's Avatar
I am betting the percentage is very high, though I doubt you'll ever hear about it.
I am betting the percentage is very high, though I doubt you'll ever hear about it. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Sorry London, I didn't know whose post you are agreeing to. Is it that most of these preggo providers may be BBFS providers?
Naomi4u's Avatar
Is it that most of these preggo providers may be BBFS providers? Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Hmmmm this question again. I've said it before and I'll say it once again - A pregnant lady should not be sharing with her body with men other than SO during that time. Sex with your husband or boyfriend is one thing but sex with a random strangers is another thing. Pregnant women are also more prone infection during the time as well. So I question the thought process of the ladies that choose to provide during this time. To each her own.

To the guys that are ok with it: What if it were your baby she's carrying... would you still find it sexy?
Hmmmm this question again. I've said it before and I'll say it once again - A pregnant lady should not be sharing with her body with men other than SO during that time. Sex with your husband or boyfriend is one thing but sex with a random strangers is another thing. Pregnant women are also more prone infection during the time as well. So I question the thought process of the ladies that choose to provide during this time. To each her own.

To the guys that are ok with it: What if it were your baby she's carrying... would you still find it sexy? Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
I'm with you there. There's too much risk involved IMO. It's different when you're only accountable for yourself as opposed to another little thing growing inside you.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I'm with you there. There's too much risk involved IMO. It's different when you're only accountable for yourself as opposed to another little thing growing inside you. Originally Posted by Shayla
Exactly. It's not fair to drag another human being into that situation. There are ways to get assistance when pregnant. One doesn't have to provide and put a child at risk.
London Rayne's Avatar
I really don't like these threads because it very much hurts other people...shocking I know. I don't under any circumstances agree with providing whilst pregnant, but I am not in their shoes. I don't believe in abortion either lol.

Yes, Skylar many providers don't bother using protection or the right amount of it.
Maybe those providers do have SO's and just choose to keep it private, as it should be in the hobby.
There are ways to get assistance when pregnant. One doesn't have to provide and put a child at risk. Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
I really am an infrequent poster so dont want to chime in here, especially with you because once you start you are relentless, but that is hypocritical as under your theory there are ways to get assistance when not pregnant either, however it doesn't appear stop you from escorting.
Its what you want to do with your time and body, and as long as you go about it responsibly thats great, you wont hear a complaint out of me! However dont tell other people what to do with their body or criticize them for their decisions.

There is no danger whatsoever to the baby, speak to a doctor or gynecologist and find out for yourself before you post, or just google "risks associated with sex during pregnancy" most consensus agree that it is actually beneficial as it prevents an early delivery

Dont put these girls down, they have similar needs and desires as you do, and the majority of them are safe and careful in how they go about working, and those that arent, were that way before the pregnancy.

The only thing I disagree with, is one or two seemed adamant on driving themselves even later in the pregnancy which has other risks associated with it.

I have met a lot of pregnant providers from Eccie (and before that ASPD) and had positive experiences with practically all of them, in fact some have become, I even daresay friends.

Lighten up on these girls please.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I really am an infrequent poster so dont want to chime in here, especially with you because once you start you are relentless, but that is hypocritical as under your theory there are ways to get assistance when not pregnant either, however it doesn't appear stop you from escorting. Originally Posted by rogers
You are not making any sense. I am not putting another human at risk so what is your point? The only person I am putting at risk here is myself. And I have been very fortunate to not encounter any problems. So do you get it now? I do not have a kid inside my stomach. In my opinion, it would be selfish of me to do that. If others want to do it, of course to each their own but I still don't think it's right.

Of course you have met a lot of them. You have been with them so you're being bias. Ok now so what if it was your baby? Would it be ok? Just asking.
Hmmmm this question again. I've said it before and I'll say it once again - A pregnant lady should not be sharing with her body with men other than SO during that time. Sex with your husband or boyfriend is one thing but sex with a random strangers is another thing. Pregnant women are also more prone infection during the time as well. So I question the thought process of the ladies that choose to provide during this time. To each her own.

To the guys that are ok with it: What if it were your baby she's carrying... would you still find it sexy? Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
See, and that's where this hobby can turn into a whole new monster. The money:sex relationship is fine and dandy and well established, but what about other equations?

money:no sex or no sex : paid time off

If it were my baby I wouldn't want her providing while pregnant. I would immediately cut off my hobby funds and give it towards her for assitance. I'd help with rent, bills, etc..but knowing some of these money grubbing ladies. Shit, you don't know 'em. They'll probably want more and provide anyways.

At the end of the day I'd rather have an abortion if I get a provider pregnant than to mother it out with her.

Keep in mind, not all these women are hobbying for the same reason as the other. While one provider can calmly bow out the hobby and live with her parents during pregnancy the other may move in with a pimp, and have that pimp raise your child.
Naomi4u's Avatar
not all these women are hobbying for the same reason as the other. Originally Posted by coefficient1
Exactly. Thanks!