Why do you hobby instead of random hookups?

This questions is directed to hobbiests.

Still Looking's Avatar
Pay them to leave!

daty/o's Avatar
At this point in my life, random is too far apart.
Bigh1955's Avatar
Why do guys hobby? See all of the answers above.
Why do chicks hobby? Because guys hobby and are willing to p4p...MONEY!!!!!
Pay them to leave!

Originally Posted by Still Looking
Yeah, that's the general consensus for people that don't hobby talking about the hobby.

Mature Companion's Avatar
Well I consider myself a female hobbyist so I'll answer. As well *all* hobby for various reasons.

For me, I enjoy the spontaneity of being with a man when (I want to). I enjoy intimacy & friendship and the way the mature men I've met (in this lifestyle), are level headed and have a keen sense of what it means to truly please a woman and make her feel beautiful & desirable under their touch.
Unlike the random wham bam drunken pick up dates you do in the bar scene.

Most men (not all) who hobby, have an understanding of what they want and desire and as a female hobbyist, I to have the same. I want the enjoyment w/o the attachment or commitments.

And the random RW hookup dates, well they come with too much bullshit headaches and the immediate (I'm yours/your mine) commitment.
I love my freedom and the ability to come & go as I please w/o answering to anyone and w/o having to sacrifice my RW career for an unstable, selfish, insecure man.

This questions is directed to hobbiests.
Originally Posted by sketchball82
I'm kinky and like how some providers have a stated menu that I can see if they offer what I'm after. If I were to find someone with an open menu, I'd be with them. I was before I entered the hobby. The hobby just makes it easier to find what I'm looking for. And if they don't provide what I want, then it's only an hour or two lost.
ICU 812's Avatar
all of those reasons except the "Rogue Stripper" are probaply valid for most hobbyists. I don't have any one top eason. The no strings is a good reason as the I'm a short-fat-whiteboy trying to get laid by really hot young women.

I like a sure thig too. an escort is as sure as you can bet even if you include the ocaisonal NSNC .Even going to strip clubs for extras is not my thing. I really cant see laying out potentially hundreds of dollars for the possibility of a semi-public frantic encounter for <30 min. I know there is a whole forum here for guys who like just exactly that . . .I'm glad they have a good time.

As for the "free hook-up" . . .comon—we all know the dollar cost of real world dating and along with the ramifications. There is a whole gener of theater and fiction that deals with that.

I'll do my research and see indy providers as time and resources permit . . .for all of the reasone listed above (except the stripper!)
throbin's Avatar
Dinner and a Movie close to $100.00 depending on where you go. I still don't know if I am going to get any pussy or not. I may have to do this 3 times before I get a hand job, rather just know what is going to happen up front with no BS.
Dinner and a Movie close to $100.00 depending on where you go. I still don't know if I am going to get any pussy or not. I may have to do this 3 times before I get a hand job, rather just know what is going to happen up front with no BS. Originally Posted by throbin
I hear this more than any other answers
Still Looking's Avatar
Yeah, that's the general consensus for people that don't hobby talking about the hobby.

Originally Posted by sketchball82

awl4knot's Avatar
There are several reasons. First, certainty of result. Second, random pick ups is just that: random. Who has time for random results? Third, despite possessing oodles of charm, confidence, good looks and some money, I am terrible at picking up women. I attract them but can't close. Does that say something about me? Fourth, providers are way more attractive as a group than the women I see in the meat market bars and lounges. Fifth, providers certainly are cheaper on a time/unit basis than civvies. Sixth, I don't want attachments and civvies seem to want some level of attachment. Finally, providers know how to do the horizontal bop and everything that goes with it. This isn't true with civvies.
plainjoe's Avatar
I like meeting profesionals - by doing my research, I can see if the lady meets my likes/dis likes, body type, personality, etc. With a random hookup, you never know what may happen...too much unpredictability. Plus, with a professional lady, we have our fun, and part ways...no fuss, no hassles...
burkalini's Avatar
I believe Kymlane from Florida says it's because we have to pay for it and can't get it any other way.
Never hobbied until last year, but I'm a total introvert who couldn't really speak to women until I was about 30, but it helps that there are no attached strings because I'm also a total non-committal recluse.