Just curious, how old are the hobbyists...

hanging here, how long you've been hobbying, and what you do hustling to finance your hobby.
Me: 40, 9 month of hobby, IT business.
wcdann's Avatar
im 38, been hobbying for a year, construction/wind turbines
Pink Floyd's Avatar
65 I can't believe it. Shit I qualify for Medicare, but I didn't buy it because I already have 2 health policies. Retired once Federal and work full time for the state now. 32 year old girlfriend coming over in a bit. I ain't dead yet. Only hobbying for about 2 years, not counting Tijuana and Toledo a long time back. I was married for a very long time 3 times. LOL PINK FLOYD still loves the women! Thank God for Viagra!

At 38 and 40 I was severley married with 3 children to the most expensive piece of ass I ever bought.
pyramider's Avatar
I was around when the dirt still had the new car smell on it.
nice to meet you brothers or should i call you members of the same club

anyone else can introduce himself?
Dewalt1950's Avatar
My first puppy was a dinosaur.
My first puppy was a dinosaur. Originally Posted by Dewalt1950
it's supposed to be funny
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-16-2012, 07:28 AM
60. Give or take a few.
cumalot's Avatar
Older than dirt and I've been reincarnated as a hobbyist 3 times that I know of.....
I am olde as FUCK!
  • y not
  • 09-16-2012, 09:13 AM
62, since 07,
41 started at 38 after 3rd marriage. This is how I afford to play.... Good thing I enjoy older gentlemen
john_deere's Avatar
jesus. i feel like kid in here...
ICU 812's Avatar
62, since '1991
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 09-17-2012, 12:17 PM
Double Nickel on the outside, horn dog 20 something in my mind!!