ghost on I-29

  • alaxe
  • 06-30-2012, 06:29 PM
I was on my way to a call on 29 near 72nd street, suddenley I see this guy in the middle lane just walking down the freeway, well I it scared the hell out of me, I knew he was dead by the way he was walking, and he did,nt turn around thank when I passed and looked in the mirror ,he was gone! very spooky
I was on my way to a call on 29 near 72nd street, suddenley I see this guy in the middle lane just walking down the freeway, well I it scared the hell out of me, I knew he was dead by the way he was walking, and he did,nt turn around thank when I passed and looked in the mirror ,he was gone! very spooky Originally Posted by alaxe
dodododo dodododo dodododo dodododo....

Submitted for your approval...Rod Serling - The Twilight Zone
The DarkSide's Avatar
I saw big foot in the Forrest, he was taking a dump, I decided to fuck with him and kicked him the nuts! It is true messin' with Sasquatch will ruin your day!
I traveled back in time and ended up at Helen Keller's house. The stories are bullshit. She could see and hear, but she just didnt want to do any chores around the house.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Pay no attention to them, Alaxe. These things happen. Don't worry, most of the time they're harmless. Just lost souls trying to find their way home.
Lay off the shrooms bud. lol
weed will cause that.
Will the ghost's use of weed cause the ghost to appear...or will our use, simply allow us to see them better,lol
zeejoe's Avatar
The only way to tell for sure is to hit him with your car.
  • alaxe
  • 07-01-2012, 09:32 AM
I thought about doing that , but I didn,t want him to turn around , besides if you know what your dealing with , you don,t even want to honk at it, because you might crash your car, I see people walklking along the freeway all the time , but there not in the middle lane, hence how I knew he was dead, also his clothes did,nt fit 2012 . plus I had a hair on end reaction.
i havnt seen any dead people walking down the interstate for a while now.
lol ekim,
It's the ghost of Sasha.
  • merz5
  • 07-01-2012, 03:55 PM
that's exactly what I thought when I saw the title showme
RIP Sasha.
Did it have heels on?