So ladies, how would you respond to an ad like..

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this on BP or Craigslist?


Massage Deluxe at the Strawberry Hill Massage and Sensual Slave House.

Ladies of KC come see your love slave and have him worship your body on his table of love. He will touch you in ways and in places that few men have every dared or conceived. He will take your soul and spirit to new heights of sensual pleasure and drain you of all of you lust and langour. He will bring you to a place of repeated pulsating pleasure as he opens avenues of sensual delight that you have only dreamed of before. Or perhaps you have read about them one of the naughty little books for the naughtly little stores? Or seen in a video secretly purchased and stored in a place that little fingers would never reach Well come to Strawberry Hill, KCK and let the man in BLACK open you heart to heights of pleasure and sensual desire you have yearned for from afar, you have sought only in your dreams, or in a dream state. HE is not a white Knight come to save you but a dark knight come to empty your senual bowel and allow passion to escape into the world of reality. He will willingly touch and allow touching in places thought obscene and dangerous in ways that will send sparks and viberations to places only imagined before, and seek to make sure you can not even life your body off of his place of passion as he opens your lips of love to reveal the sensual place dreams are born and where passion flows like a stream of lava bursting from the depths of sensual hell, burning with demons of passion, unlike any eruption you have senses in your mortal life before this day. So tred carefully my princess, my damsel of desire. You cries for sensual mercy will not be heard until you cry out in sensual creshendo with the angels of past and legends of the present. And should you want perversion and senual punishment, that places of oral and anal entry it is available both day and night.

In the deep dark places of the night, no woman can long endure the endless pleasure that a man can give a woman, even in this day of earthly abandon and degradation.

So what is your pleasure my lady of desire? And what is the destination we shall see THIS TIME, for you will be back to this throne of delight, this palace of profund procelvity. Both angel of love and demon of dark desire and destitution are available. Come see me soon my lovely lady, only minutes for a lifetime memory that you will remain UNTIL YOU VISIT AGAIN! And then we will plan even a more exquisite memory that will lodge in your womb like the vision of a person penertrating into your eternal soul of moral and sensual delight.
Would it sell?????

Practice runs...
...and about 30 or 40 civi sensual massages in the past. Ofcourse toys are also available if desired~
I would go sounds like and amazing massage it had me thinking, I need so.e hot oil and relaxing music...
ss4699's Avatar
I would go sounds like and amazing massage it had me thinking, I need so.e hot oil and relaxing music... Originally Posted by OntberingJesse
Have those and hot stones already.

BUT I FORGOT TO mention that the lady on the table would be PAID FOR HER TIME TO ALLOW ME TO BE HER SLAVE! Rate of pay? Minimum of $100 per hour. Could you use a little extra Ontbering?
If I was in town sure I would give it a try could be fun.
ss4699's Avatar
Well, looks like a volunteer for August! Thank you volunteer #1