Things that pissed you off (in the hobby)

This thread is a place to blow off steam about things that have happened to you in the hobby. (Please no names, dates or places) What made your teeth grind and blood boil? When looking back, it might be something funny or that continues to really piss you off!

I'll start. I had an afternoon appointment with a provider. We had been PMing all the previous day and the morning of the date. Anticipation was "rising" as the appointed time arrived. My business meeting was over; PM sent to the lady to let her know I was enroute. I took my happy pill, jumped in the car and was heading for the roundup. Then about five minutes out, I check voice mail on my hobby phone - to hear a cancellation message. &@#$%$!!

The worst thing was I had just taken my last happy pill. No more "happiness" available for three weeks when my new Rx kicked in. Now THAT pissed me off!

Lana Warren's Avatar
Well, miine just happened just a couple of weeks ago!

I don't mind if some gentleman asks if I'm running a special and I politely tell him that do not until the Christmas holidays, but to contiuously tell me that So and So runs specials and that I should for him! I used to let it raise my blood pressure, but these days, I laugh it off as stupidity!

1) When he shows up and has to ask where to chain up his 10-speed

2) When he asks if I take credit cards (after he's already written me a hot check in the past)

3) When I answer the door to Smeagol and he's ready to bury his "precious" where?

4) When the guy is early, and I don't get to finish blow drying my hair to perfection! gawd, don't you know that affects my performance?!! LOL

5) When we fight over who's going to get up afterwards and go make us a get YOU get up!

6) When I'm trying to show him my favorite part of my favorite porn movie & he keeps trying to fiddle with me...LOOK, you're missing the best part!

7) When I let him take a nap (after our BCD activities) and he forgets that he has to get up and go home to his wife (should I charge a room fee? Checkout time 11am?)

8) When I get proposed to during a session and they didn't get the ring sized to a 6 1/2 - Duh!!

9) When he asks if he can bring a friend to play with us and shows up with a sock monkey! WTH? At least bring a real Midget or something cool!

10) I hate it when I ever DO get a real (civie) boyfriend and he's giving me his absolute best....and I'm imaging my ATF client instead!! LOL, dammit that's the absolute worst! Don't spoil me and expect these other "regular" boys to have a chance!

With the exception of #10....I was JUST JOKING!

ha ha ha
Boltfan's Avatar
I promise to watch your porn and make you a sandwich if you promise to let me take a power snooze between the 2nd and 3rd rounds.
I have a few things that make me pissed, NCNS providers, YMMV providers and all talk, no action providers/strippers.........but what pisses me off the most is doing a review or of a provider/stripper/massage or body rub girl and then get "valued male members" here who happen to also be "customers/clients" or said reviewee and have not received the same or similar "service" from them or believe the "reviewee" does not do what the review is about or perhaps is told, "I only do this for you" and they go on this site under your review and call it and ALL my previous reviews fake.
Boltfan's Avatar
Jesus Christ. Do you realize YOU bring this up more than THEY do now? It's like a girl writing a rebuttal to a bad review that brings 10 fold attention to said bad review. If you didn't going around shouting at the top of your lungs "I have been wronged" no one would care.

Admission that you embellished reviews hurts your cause too. I must say, that is certainly something that pissed me off in the hobby.
Jesus Christ. Do you realize YOU bring this up more than THEY do now? It's like a girl writing a rebuttal to a bad review that brings 10 fold attention to said bad review. If you didn't going around shouting at the top of your lungs "I have been wronged" no one would care.

Admission that you embellished reviews hurts your cause too. I must say, that is certainly something that pissed me off in the hobby. Originally Posted by Boltfan
3 or 4 of my 100+ reviews did I do a little embellishment on to make me look good, but when you say, "he embellishes on ALL his reviews", keeping in line with this thread, that pisses me off!
Well, I've never gotten really pissed off....annoyed, YES! I get annoyed if a new potential client send me an email asking if I'm available today with no other info.
I get annoyed if guys want to email back and forth for no apparent reason. I'm not looking for a penpal. LOL!
Basically if it doesn't make sense to me, it annoys me. :-)
Hercules's Avatar
Aunt Flo pisses me off cuz that bitch always shows up when I'm horny.
Lana Warren's Avatar
Aunt Flo pisses me off cuz that bitch always shows up when I'm horny. Originally Posted by Hercules

Ever thought about seeing a lady whose Aunt Flo died years ago?
*email back and fourth asking about my day what am doing and where did i go...what in the world???
*asking if am available with no screening information
*asking for specials because this Latina is running them on back its not me honey!!
*trying to be grand fathered from 2008/9
*Comparing me to other providers!

Safire Sweet
i answered this in arkansas forum..but love dallas (ya ya'll are so lucky to have me )

WHITE KNIGHTS.. had a longer version

but 'nuff said

white fucking knights
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Damn...I don't think I want to read this thread anymore. :-/
When we are BCD and you are talking about another provider. You are with ME at the moment. Talking about some other chick is a buzzkill. I don't want to know her real name or what problems she's having or what her real life job is during pillow talk either.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Accidentally feeling something solid under a pillow and finding out it's a loaded gun. That will kill any blue steeler!!!