Billionaire Kochs to Financially Back Democrats Pushing Amnesty, Free Trade

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

The Koch effort to financially support pro-amnesty, anti-economic nationalist Democrats would come to fruition through the creation of multiple issue-specific Political Action Committees (PACs), all under the larger Koch network umbrella.

looks like the Koch brothers dropped the pretense and showed themselves for what they are...

They want to exploit cheap labor and have others pay for the costs to society.
  • Tiny
  • 06-16-2019, 08:12 AM

The Koch effort to financially support pro-amnesty, anti-economic nationalist Democrats would come to fruition through the creation of multiple issue-specific Political Action Committees (PACs), all under the larger Koch network umbrella.

looks like the Koch brothers dropped the pretense and showed themselves for what they are...

Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
This is another example of the TCM (Trump Controlled Media) trying to run off free market Republicans from their party. The writer supports higher taxes (that is tariffs) and redistributionist policies. The Koch Brothers on the other hand are American Heroes.


Over the last two decades, the Koch network’s major groups — AFP and Freedom Partners — have cumulatively spent about $120 million in independent expenditures supporting Republican candidates or opposing Democratic candidates, according to OpenSecrets data. They have not spent a single dollar supporting Democratic candidates during that time.

They're talking about supporting Democrats in the PRIMARIES, not general elections. Which is a damn good idea unless you want people like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren running the country.

And yes, it's possible they'll support a few Democrats in general elections. Odds are when the list comes out some months or years from now of who they supported, there will be a lot of Republicans and very few Democrats.

I disagree with them about immigration, except getting more people like engineers, scientists, doctors and businessmen to come to America. And giving DACA kids a path to citizenship. However their other positions make a lot of sense.

Thanks for the post. Now that I know more about them I'll send a contribution next week.
  • Tiny
  • 06-16-2019, 08:18 AM
They want to exploit cheap labor and have others pay for the costs to society. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Their businesses are in the USA. They don't hire illegal immigrants. Undoubtedly they'd benefit by being crony capitalists and hiring illegals like Donald Trump. However they're principled free marketers.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
kochs are not heroes considering they favor open borders.

never trusted them when they made the news about being so-called libertarians.

they are fake as one can get them to be.
Their businesses are in the USA. They don't hire illegal immigrants. Undoubtedly they'd benefit by being crony capitalists and hiring illegals like Donald Trump. However they're principled free marketers. Originally Posted by Tiny
Please...they hire illegals like many other self serving assholes do
Some enterprising reporters need to visit some of the Koch Brothers businesses and see just what the labor force is comprised of.
  • Tiny
  • 06-16-2019, 06:36 PM
You're confusing the Motch brothers with the Koch brothers.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Wait! Are these the same Koch brothers that democrats hate because they are racist, sexist, homophobic, fascist, and republican?
  • Tiny
  • 06-16-2019, 09:56 PM
Wait! Are these the same Koch brothers that democrats hate because they are racist, sexist, homophobic, fascist, and republican? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
They are Republicans and Democrats hate them. Many a campaign dollar has been raised by Democratic politicians by promising to battle the mighty Koch brothers.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
However they're principled free marketers. Originally Posted by Tiny

if they're principled free marketers, why is so many of their business interests under investigation 4 breaking environmental laws?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Wait! Are these the same Koch brothers that democrats hate because they are racist, sexist, homophobic, fascist, and republican? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

I don't know about them being republican, but they claim to be libertarian.

they have funded republicans in many races, but that looks to change as they're going to fund democrats.

Dems hate Kochs. so what's a dem to do if one finds himself under Koch's largess?
gfejunkie's Avatar
Kochs = swamp rats.

'Nuff sed.
  • Tiny
  • 06-17-2019, 10:11 PM
You gentlemen have good instincts and your arguments more than not are solid. You were brought up in the United States of America, not some Communist or totalitarian state with thought police and a press controlled by the government. So it's beyond belief how you start with the Orwellian DoubleThink whenever there's someone who disagrees with Trump. The Koch Brothers' organizations didn't contribute a dime to Democrats for 20 years. How much did Trump contribute to Democrats? Maybe he even was one? And why was he making the contributions? Well, because he wallowed in the swamp, buying off city and state officials to build his real estate empire.

You look at the Kochs, and most of what they give is to charity, not politicians. A lot of that giving is to clean up the mess that the swamp created, like support for education, addiction, and criminal justice reform. Trump's a philanthropist too. He likes to give for causes like buying his personal portrait to hang in his golf club.

Do the Koch's companies break environmental laws? They must, as complicated as government and state regulations are. Everyone on this board commits crimes, usually without knowing it. Read Three Felonies a Day or America Under Arrest if you don't believe me.

Refining and chemicals, which are huge businesses for the Kochs, aren't risk free. If you don't like that, then shut their plants down and let the business migrate to China and Vietnam and elsewhere, where environmental regulation is laxer.

Oh, I forgot, we can't have that. We need to keep the Chinaman and other people in the third world poor, so our politicians can send more foreign aid to keep them from starving.