Mutual respect of privacy among other aggravating hobby related things.....

My privacy and your privacy. I never ask real names or non-hobby info, I expect the same from you. Please. I mean, some things come up in conversation but shit, I've felt like I've been on a job interview or a police interrogation with some of you guys. This makes me sad.
This is why I have stuck with my regulars that I've been seeing since well, some since I started and that have never once tried to pry for or ask personal info about me during our time. I rarely see new guys.....and it really pisses me off when some try to ask me for my real name, what I do besides the hobby, or can I have your real phone number.....and usually it's "gentlemen" that I've only seen once or twice so if I don't see you again I either 1.) didn't sexually vibe with you or 2.) you made me feel uncomfortable (Oh, and in all fairness lets not forget number 3.) you just didn't like me!! (Hehe.....happens to all us chickadees and is to be expected!!)

This is not a dating site. Oh my gosh.....I don't know what some of you guys are trying to pull but I don't want you to be my boyfriend and I don't want to be your girl.....I want to make you feel good (and um, yeah.....being a single gal, it's great to get it in return. The "I don't want you to do what your doing.....let me take care of you" line is flippin' lame y'all.....I don't see guys unless I enjoy my time with them, and yes, some of you would say "why not do it for free then if you enjoy it soooOOooo much?" Uh, because that would be stupid and I need the know that saying "if you've got it, flaunt it" ?? well, I, we providers choose to work it as well as flaunt it. Smart ladies hehe. Why not use ((puuurrrrr)) to your advantage to get what you want? Haven't women been doing that for years? And haven't men been using ((Ka-Ching)) to get what they want for years as well? That's how this profession was please, Beyonce was wrong-just cause you like it doesn't mean you have to put a ring on it. Sorry but marriage proposals aren't part of my hobby fantasy!! (Or shall I say "sweet talk") I guess tryin' to score some free pussy from a, um, lady(: is some of you guys real hobby. Just bein' honest and lettin' out some steam.

Oh.....and I don't want to even begin with the haggling low balling "gentlemen" that message me on here.....I don't do quickies or bngs.....not that I'm against them, because if that's what you wanna do, go for it. Just not how I get off. So back off, I'm not desperate enough for $60 lol.

Anyway, I did have more to say but I have a splinter in my finger and it hurts.....

Thanks to all the guys who utilize this site the way it was intended.....

XOXO Karla
guy fawkes's Avatar
Pritti ladi... i totally understand where youre coming from!
more and more of these posts makes me think that some guys really confuse a booty call with something more emotionally attached. Guys being stalkers,,,WTF, you can pay to get it brotha no need for the stalking, Guys telling the working gals that they want to be their one and only, REALLY? if that's the case, then hold some interviews to find your sugar baby...What ever happened to hit it and quit it...
Mossman's Avatar

Anyway, I did have more to say but I have a splinter in my finger and it hurts.....
Originally Posted by XOXO Karla
Been dealing with some peckerwood lately?
Yikes! Folks need to be mindful of boundaries... Let's keep the hobby a place to enjoy some of our more primal urges without strings attached.
Nicely said Karla and I agree.
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 07-27-2013, 01:31 PM
Hey Karla and all,

After doing this for a little bit and having met some wonderful folks, guys and girls, I've heard a lot of crazy stories in the same vein of your post. I have to say I always had respect for what you guys do with what you have to put up with. I have so much more admiration for many of you fine ladies and a lesson in what not to do. May sound lame, but i enjoy myself more when I know my companion is enjoying themselves and prying is one way to ensure that doesn't happen.

And to all, hope you're having a great summer. Have to say I miss San Antonio and will try to get back soon :-)
Samcro84's Avatar
Well I am exhausted. Well Karla (do not know if that is your real name - but affraid to ask). So how do you decide that I would be the kinda guy that would not rub you wrong?

There are not guarantees in this business. The one problem when we have a bad experience there is not a money back option.

Maybe there needs to be an option on ECCIE where you girls can review us, that might solve some of you issues.
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 07-27-2013, 02:57 PM
Well I am exhausted. Well Karla (do not know if that is your real name - but affraid to ask). So how do you decide that I would be the kinda guy that would not rub you wrong?

There are not guarantees in this business. The one problem when we have a bad experience there is not a money back option.

Maybe there needs to be an option on ECCIE where you girls can review us, that might solve some of you issues. Originally Posted by travelerman
Isn't that the reason for references, p411, Date check, powder room and any number of other sites? Not sure I'd care to know what's said about me, though :-)

I like assuming it's all good :-D
Hmmm...this is insightful to say the least and kinda taken back a bit. I'm sure that some nice gentlemen here are lonely and may be making casual conversation to break the ice sorta say and may want a friend out of the adventure. As we all know things get better with familiarity.

Now on the other hand there may be a few who may want more. I'm sure experiences may have dictated why they may have approached the topic for whatever reason. I get asked what I do for a living each and every time. Does it bother me, not a bit. I can be Thurston Howell III and own a mansion and a yacht if I want to be.. My point is take it as a compliment to the service you give them and politely decline. I'm sure that would be taken a little less harsh instead of an open forum.
thatdude210's Avatar
Agree 100%. I've been with providers that insist on asking for a name. I don't like to lie but I'm not going to provide my real name so I will come up with something else. I guess I should come up with a "hobby name" but that's just annoying...there's no need to ask.
rex-man's Avatar
Well put my dear lady... Bless you and we will have fun soon. In a strickly professional way. no real mushy stuff.
I can understand completely about privacy. I only share my info to the ones I trust and have seen several times. My name is a little unique as I am the only one in the u.s. (if you search public records). That being said, around 70% of the women I have met have asked for my name and what I do for a living. Karla you seem like one of the few who keep it business like. Nothing wrong with that at all. Some guys are probably used to exchanging that kind of info on a regular basis. Now the whole " I'll take care of you" thing? Can't say much about because I would never do that. All I can think is that some women must fall for it or guys would never ask to begin with.

I've never met you Karla but I can tell you that I wouldnt ask your name or care to know your personal business. I would only care to share personal fantasy . No offense