Any questions on the ultra rich's drive to turn America into a third world country are settled here. BTW, the Sensata plant that is the subject of this is NOT a union plant (thought I'd get that red herring out of the way before the usual list of TParrotriots attempt to change the subject). 90 cents per hour, 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, living in company-provided bunkhouses.....the stuff of Dickens' England a while back.
Whine on, TPukes, whine on all you want. But, PROVE THIS WRONG - (Ed Show or not on that commie-loving lamestream media outlet MSNBC) :
Here's the video showing the Chinese flag flying in front of the plant IN ILLINOIS...that's in the United States, isn't it?
Now, where the hell are all of you super Tea Party PATRIOTS now? Bain's stock is in Thurtson's "Blind Trust," so he WILL profit from this.