Inflation Hits The Hobbyist Where It Hurts

Vachon's Avatar
Inflation increased by 9.5% in the last 12 months. Naturally the ladies on the coast raised their rates although most of the men are lucky if they aren’t making less wages at work. We didn’t get a raise. That’s for sure. I get that the ladies increased rates due to inflation but it was a bit absurd to respond to 9.5% inflation with a 30% increase in fees. Girls who charged $200 and $250 are demanding $300 - $400 now from men who, again, did not get raises so since the cost of everything went up we all lost 9.5% of our income.

Basically, speaking only for myself, I got priced out of the hobby. $300 an hour (30% increase over the old $200 an hour from a year ago) priced me out of the hobby. They have a right to charge whatever they want. But a 30% increase in response to a 9.5% inflation rate is a bit unjustified. Just my opinion. I make 10% less than a year ago. So… nope. I can no longer afford the hobby. Again, only speaking for myself. YMMV.
You’re right I guess I’ll be keeping my funds at home more.
Guitar's Avatar
Vachon, your not speaking for yourself. Your speaking for ALL of us hobbying guys. It's what Basscat has been saying all along. Poon ain't made from gold, like some ladies think. Now, Silver maybe, but not GOLD! Gas is over a dollar a gallon higher than it was when yall's man went into office. EVERYTHING is higher, and all TV does is talk about what a great job he's doing. The mentality these days!
Online Porn is free guys... Let them learn the lesson by not paying them for a couple of months, let's see what happens then.
Also, don't be afraid to tell them No Way! I mean they are quick to tell us the same..

Guys, it's a two way street! Stand together here!
Hell yeah not even counting the fact we pay about 30 percent in taxes on every dollar we give them!
Cavalier Gentleman's Avatar
Hell yeah not even counting the fact we pay about 30 percent in taxes on every dollar we give them! Originally Posted by Big chief 269

Correct. And, if you pay with cash, I am sure the ladies never report it as income, so it is tax free. That is worth 30% right there.

Bad news for the ladies; those that take cashapp and other online payments, especially for deposit$600 in transactions over the course of a full year. I am sure many will get a surprise from Uncle Sam next year when they don't report the income and get a notice that they not only have to pay taxes but fines as well. Thank you to the current administration for that bit of oversight into our private lives...
Guitar's Avatar
hpmariner1, your preaching exactly what Basscat's been preaching from day 1. I'm with yall tho.
hpmariner1, your preaching exactly what Basscat's been preaching from day 1. I'm with yall tho. Originally Posted by Guitar
Hpmariner is 100 percent correct. I agree with letting the ladies who overcharge starve to the point that they have to go look for a real job. I take it one step further and say that all of us should only see the ladies who treat us fairly. I say this because I know a lot of guys who actually save up just to see ladies who abuse us with obscene rates. Fuck that. I say only show your support for the ladies who treat us fairly and completely ignore the ladies who overcharge.
While I don't post a lot on here, I visit it often and been in the hobby since the only way to find ladies was the escort section in the phone book. What is going on now is crazy. While Ms has seen inflation, try Atlanta, Nashville or any where on the east coast where I travel. 2-3 $ was tops for a great experience with a quality lady now it cost that for a STGs provider that has made unhealthy life choices and then makes the admirer jump through hoops just to be with them. When I saved the resources, 5$ was enough to have an encounter with high class model type that are what dreams are made of. Now it runs 1K or better. What I think I will try is quality over quantity and reduce the volume (at my age that works better). Hopefully basic economics will right itself if we as the customers become smart buyers. This is not a supply and demand issue. The supply over the last 40 years I have been doing this has not really changed and I don't think the demand has either. I wonder why this has all happened in the last 6 months? It almost looks like a unionized organized effort. Just saying.
I had this conversation a long time ago...

I got this much money. I got make it last for 4 visits per month. You get stupid greedy then I go to the AMP all 4 times. If your rates are just regular greedy then I go to the AMP 3 times and see your fat ass 1 time and never see you again.

Or you can accept 4 equal payments from my stash of "this much money" and I never go the AMP again.

She choose 4 visits a month and gave me a freebie at Christmas and for my B-Day.
Vachon's Avatar
What I find comically amusing is , about half the time, if they quote to much and you say “No thanks”, about 2 hours later you can count on some stupid text from “Carlos Esperanza” claiming to be a representative of some fictitious “cartel” attached to 3 or 4 pics of people with their heads detached. Carlos will tell you that you wasted his girl’s time and the want $1K or you will get a visit. They all try that. I laugh it off because the text is comically written.

Ironically a girl out in the Pascagoula area named Niki who runs ads on STG actually sent one of those about a year ago herself - no cartel threat - no Carlos. Came straight from her with an Apple Pay invoice attached . She, somehow had managed to stay in business. I’ve seen her ads recently. ��.
Something I always remember is this...I'm not the one taking pictures online with money in one hand and my dick in the other.. It's not necessary to see any of them... They're the ones posting racy photos online wanting people to come see them... With will power we wield power
kiki2012's Avatar
I heard about that but read only of payment memo says something work related like only put for personal or groceries electric bill or Gift? But the government sneaky fukers who want to take all they can get so maybe they will still report all transactions. Government÷,greedy leaches man

Bad news for the ladies; those that take cashapp and other online payments, especially for deposit$600 in transactions over the course of a full year. I am sure many will get a surprise from Uncle Sam next year when they don't report the income and get a notice that they not only have to pay taxes but fines as well. Thank you to the current administration for that bit of oversight into our private lives
A lady quoted me 225 for 1/2 hour we settled on 150 for 1 hour
You must be willing to walk away
Well when some guys tell the girl she could be getting so much more just because they would pay whatever just to smell the pussy she sometimes refuses to even be reasonable...