Mitts Magic Underwear...

handyGiraffe's Avatar
Mitt is a Mormon in high standing...

Meaning he wears the magic under drawers when he goes to church...believes God lives on a planet called Kalob, that Jesus had a brother named Satan.. and that the Garden of Eden was near Springfield, MO.

Obama may have been born in Africa...but he isn't THAT stupid... LOL
dent's Avatar
  • dent
  • 09-05-2012, 10:40 AM
Whether or not you agree with Mr. Romney's political views, IMHO it's rather childish to belittle a man's spiritual and religious beliefs.

handyGiraffe's Avatar
It Isn't childish when he aspires to be President of the USA----of course... If too many people say what they think about this our freedom of speech will be suspended at any time ..
and let's not forget how NOBama said he will follow his Muslim brothers if the political winds change. Hmmm, wonder what that means ... could it be that he doesn't give a shit about the USA?

And Handygiraffe, it will most likely be NOBama who will suspend our Freedom of Speech since he seems to think the Constitution is just a bunch of words written on a piece of paper and does not pertain to him.

One last thing, is it OK for NOBama to not want to respect the flag of the USA? Or for his fugly wife to "finally be proud to be an American" only after he first ran for Prez? They are both non-American.
Alright alright. Just let me be president.
Big John Ac's Avatar
you got my vote sexy