Savannah Moon's Avatar
So, many of you KNOW I have been undergoing A LOT of changes and Challenges on a physical level. Some of that restricting my ability to even enjoy a mere glass of wine with my friends & guests.

I have DILIGENTLY been addressing and researching my specific situation.
Our bodies are very hardwired and COMPLEX.

I am an advanced researcher ANYWAY..so between the combination of ALL OF THE ABOVE.. I have advanced ( So far) without a second procedure

Just an update Also to let you know I can again Wine & Dine with my friends YES YES YES!!!

And Ladies.
If you need any information regarding people who I enjoy
Spending my spare time with
Please keep my information as well.

I will need to know who you are..you know the drill.
I do enjoy a nice Red wine.
Red Roses and Great food & surprises..like sexy lingerie
& candle & good music Lets just go have FUN!!
I've been down for 2.5 years
You know. It's get up time!!

I'm usually around KCK
Or N.of the River.
HMU.. would love to see my friends again.
It's been a while.
Smoking Monkey's Avatar
Glad you're feeling better. You deserve some good times!
yellowjacket59's Avatar
Good too hear, hope you get better soon!
chillnate's Avatar
I'm glad you are feeling better!
Welcome back
Savannah Moon's Avatar
Thank you So much!!

And thank you to all who continually motivated me..BOTH men & women.
You know who you are and you know you will always ALWAYS be in my heart!!

I think when things like that happen.. a person can seriously lose hope.
Life will be difficult NO matter what.
No matter who you are.

The people who see that.. the people who take a moment and
listen.. or sebd a message to say that you are thought of.
Who ask if you need them..who see you fighting not to buckle.
Those are very special people.

We need them & we need to be them.

That is why I still have faith in humanity.
I'm certain many can relate.

Ok 2020..we aren't done yet!!

Love you guys.
When i saw the "I Love"
I thought oh boy another thread about being in love with me.
DallasRain's Avatar
hiya sexy..I miss spanking ya!!!!!!

yourdesire's Avatar
I hope your progress continues and even picks up pace.Good luck to you honey ��
So glad you're feeling better
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
hiya sexy..I miss spanking ya!!!!!!
Originally Posted by DallasRain
As do I
Thanks for the update, Ms Moon! Great to hear you are doing better! Huggzzz and lixxx...
Kl's Avatar
  • Kl
  • 07-25-2020, 04:31 PM
Glad you are back and doing great.
Glad you are doing well and feeling better
Savannah Moon's Avatar
When i saw the "I Love"
I thought oh boy another thread about being in love with me.
Lol Originally Posted by BigDeal
That one is still in progress

hiya sexy..I miss spanking ya!!!!!!

Originally Posted by DallasRain
I have missed you & Your Spankings too UUGS & SPANKINS
Safe travels Sexy Mamacita

I hope your progress continues and even picks up pace.Good luck to you honey �� Originally Posted by yourdesire
Thank you so much !!! Hugs

So glad you're feeling better Originally Posted by BookemDano
Thank you
Have been getting a lot of Rest.. Plus now I am on a CaronaDiet!!!
I named it that because it pertains specifically to the weight I put on during the Virus thus far.
Not A Lot , but you know how us women are LOL

Thanks for the update, Ms Moon! Great to hear you are doing better! Huggzzz and lixxx... Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
Thank you!! Miss those Hugs& Lixxxx Glad you are back and doing great.[/QUOTE]

Gracias OXOXxx

Glad you are doing well and feeling better Originally Posted by hockey99
Thank you 99

If You were to Google Savannah Moon KCMO
It should pull up my site as an option
You can see when I am around & where!!
I know Tues 7/28 I will be in KCK if anyone would like Breakfast or coffee or both
Lunch , Dinner, & Dessert