Still political, but a different topic.....

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-30-2016, 06:37 AM
The soap opera that is 21st century politics seems to know no boundaries. With no knowledge beyond what is in this article, I give you some diversionary reading:
LOL They are protected by us, right?
You could insert "Hillary Rodam Clinton" into the story without changing much of anything else.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-30-2016, 09:07 AM
You could insert "Hillary Rodam Clinton" into the story without changing much of anything else. Originally Posted by Jackie S
True. My whole point was to put a link out there that shows that our absurd political situation is not as unique as we sometimes think it is.
True. My whole point was to put a link out there that shows that our absurd political situation is not as unique as we sometimes think it is. Originally Posted by Old-T
It's not that our situation is unique, it's that we've lowered ourselves politically and morally. I didn't read the link, so I don't know what nations were mentioned, but if "the greatest country ever" wants to be "great again", we need to become serious about issues, campaigning, and candidates. Absurdity leads to Idiocracy.
gfejunkie's Avatar
You could insert "Hillary Rodam Clinton" into the story without changing much of anything else. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Looks like they even share the same clothing designer.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-30-2016, 11:15 AM
It's not that our situation is unique, it's that we've lowered ourselves politically and morally. I didn't read the link, so I don't know what nations were mentioned, but if "the greatest country ever" wants to be "great again", we need to become serious about issues, campaigning, and candidates. Absurdity leads to Idiocracy. Originally Posted by papadee
I agree with that. And that starts with the mass of voters taking the time--and interest--to be informed, to think, and to become involved. Sadly the numbers that do that are too often the Wackos of both ends. The middle, the diverse perspectives, need to take some ownership.
I agree with that. And that starts with the mass of voters taking the time--and interest--to be informed, to think, and to become involved. Sadly the numbers that do that are too often the Wackos of both ends. The middle, the diverse perspectives, need to take some ownership. Originally Posted by Old-T

Rather R or L if we don't move with your so called "middle" (which moves constantly) we are crazy... right Old-Trollop

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-30-2016, 03:50 PM
No, not All of you by any means. But there is a greater propensity for Wackoness the farther one moves to the fringes.

For example, I have never thought you to be crazy--I just disagree with you on some points. King Tongue--I suspect he really IS a bit off the level.
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