FYI: I don't think it wise.

KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
I have decided to make this into a poll as well to see what others think in general.

Last Sunday I was reading the local paper and filtering through all the extras and came across the Star. In the last few pages there are photos of local San Antonians having fun in various areas at certain events in town whether it be the arts festivals, conventions, and now Fiesta.

Well, this passed Sunday I noticed someone I knew from the hobby posing with his wife and another person. Their full names were listed at the bottom of their photo. Now this is NOT the first time this has happened, in fact, I've seen this at least 3-4 times before in the same publication. This person whom I know is a VERY private person yet likes to venture out and visit many nice young ladies here in the biz. Of course, I sent him an email letting him know about this and he completely freaked out. He didnt know the photos he posed for weould be published publicly in this particular paper, etc. He was never told about it apparently by the camera personnel.

Anyway, he will be more cautious in the future.

So for the poll I want to know what other gents think about this piece. Are you up for photos that the entire community can view along with your full name and the names of your family as well?
PLease elaborate with some details and perhaps a situation like this that you've experienced before.

Would you use this information to your benefit? As in screening?
Also, if it were a client you knew, what would be your reaction? WOuld you let them know? Or would you keep it to yourself? Please elaborate if you would!


If someone is a very private person, then they shouldn't pose for pics and/or give out their full name to someone taking pictures, regardless of the photog's credentials....
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 04-19-2011, 09:29 PM
I agree but part of being a trusted professional is discretion. Verification with many providers includes who you are and you are subject to being outed at any time if you are a recognizable figure. All you can do is to keep company with reputable providers because we know you can all screw our world and we can screw yours if that is the intent.
..........damn does anybody even read that little thin "magazine" lol??...........but I've seen a few on a certain S.A. Spotlight website
I don't think it's a big deal. If they took his photo and asked for his name, then it was obvious it was going to be put on a site or the paper or a magazine for the event. I would not let a client know, cause I would think he already knew. If I already saw him and I saw his real name, I would not need to do any further research. There would be no point because we are already cool Unless he did something really bad, then I would research and share the info with the rest of the girls. Tuff titty! :P
Willen's Avatar
He's there with his wife & the photographer comes over and asks to shoot them. You'd have to think quickly to come up wit a reason to decline, especially if the wife wants to do it.

Playing in this world carries risks, which we have to accept. As Oden says, you just have to rely on the discretion of the KKAs.
Sa_artman's Avatar
I don't see where it's a big deal unless the photo was of the gentleman sans the significant other. That's why it's good to hobby on business trips Who reads those little thin mags in Vegas?
Happy Passover, & Hi tasty gentlemen, & lalaladies.i have 4 hour pass to hobbyland! and yall prob know.

I am actually very direct, and may be able to tell you ....
So I so have just decided the hobbby my ex prefrence, mor than anything. and seuality is pure lif in motion, sometimes one is nutured nd not environentally mortified..or just gone pure sybyl. mot arre the former.Not the latter .... not in any same way. And a transexual is my daughteers godmother, so the guy who asked if i was phobic. NO.
but i have labwork 5 days old, afteeer life and eeducation at risk. kindergarden.... and i use and do my hobby for me sensually ...sometimes, or many other things i get from it.
now i like to be turned on when in motion, and that is not compataale palets for me ... risk exstender. BUT total postops, full change i have been with. its just he cross that i wouldnt want to even have "cchics with+ ya know " porn ccome on exspecting whatever many different ideas manifeested, it wouldd not turn me on, and he went home before the first wow, never witnissed seen men yep, live, and depends on the chemistry, they are pairs, i see inbalance of matter and life.... if they truly havethis, naturally occuring hermaphrodites are damn rare ya know. ill just shut up. who wants a too sloppy ddamn near feaning to atleaast taste the hobby in q moment. i have rambledd, and dont have the time to even rea me emails, so consider this my lifnotes response for my __whatever sabatical. its just mee, i am picky on keeping a few of my amy logic...humph...:forivr spelling this damn keyboard is like a stick of gum with letters. rushn,,,,

i am not defined by any actions.. by there results,,, and waves...and memories i leave. and damnit, its natural, i am a
different concoction or hatever...but i think it will neveer get better nor legal if there is fear or secrey, or guilt, shame,or fuckn any thing passed judgement, wheen god made folks, maybe there is a gynectic link or strainin females. we get tthe birth, call it even! they treat proud escorts in society, or all readyy know. like lepracy, race, sex ND PRFERNCE RIGHT THATS HAS SPRUNG FROM ADAM AND EVE!
chicagoboy's Avatar
I'll have what she's having.
I'll have what she's having. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-23-2011, 01:30 PM
Stick to this thread's topic, please.
Stick to this thread's topic, please. Originally Posted by Mokoa
No problem. I am just not very sure what the topic of this post happens to be.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-23-2011, 04:01 PM
No problem. I am just not very sure what the topic of this post happens to be. Originally Posted by MrSmith8691
You did read Post 1, right?