Thought someone would have commented on this Series.

Precious_b's Avatar
Caught this on the radio at the beginning of the week.
Thought for sure someone would have mentioned it.
That or no one listens to the same station as me

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:
Why do they act like all prostitutes are addicts? Some just like easy money. I know a few who are not addicts. Well, to be honest I didn't read all of them lol but Im glad they are getting the help. The ones that need it, you know Good deal
They focus on the women who are worst off. No one wants to hear about the intelligent enterprising young lady that is doing it from a safe location, raising money for tuition and not strung out on narcotics. It has no shock value. Besides, most people's image of a prostitute is a street walker, or the seedy looking massage parlor.

BTW. I do love NPR. You aren't alone PB.
Precious_b's Avatar
Pepper, it was just a facet of the biz. One that seems to offer a fairly good success rate for the worst off. That was good to hear/read (audio links inside.)

With everything on a major bummer in the news today, I like to hear some storys where there is light at the end of the tunnel.
I like to hear some storys where there is light at the end of the tunnel. Originally Posted by Precious_b
I'm such a pessimist. The first thing that came to mind was a locomotive.
That's true, it makes for a good story.
Rodram's Avatar
Caught this on the radio at the beginning of the week.
Thought for sure someone would have mentioned it.
That or no one listens to the same station as me

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3: Originally Posted by Precious_b
Wow, NPR was almost defunded by Republicans. It would've been a terrible loss since NPR really is the only non-partisan programming out there.
They swing a little liberal (in my opinion, but so do I right now), but they are much less bias than CNN or Fox. I do prefer them to either network. What I really like is BBC News. I usually hear the news from them before it's out on the regular networks.
textodd11's Avatar
They swing a little liberal (in my opinion, but so do I right now), but they are much less bias than CNN or Fox. I do prefer them to either network. What I really like is BBC News. I usually hear the news from them before it's out on the regular networks. Originally Posted by JJ
A little? Wow, and Elton John is a little gay.

The reason they are going to be defunded is because their execs have been caught ON TAPE stating that they are willing to do whatever it takes to promote the liberal agenda and defeat all Republican political candidates. I listen to NPR a lot, mainly because of their in-depth coverage of foreign affairs BUT... when it comes to the domestic agenda they are EXTREMELY liberal. NPR is just as liberal as Fox News is conservative and therefore, if you fund them, FOX and the like should be funded as well. I don't think many people think that's a good idea which is why most Americans with knowledge of the situation now favor defunding NPR unless they agree to major oversight which has it's own issues. Their time as a publicly funded entity has passed.

Sorry, back to the regular schedule.
Rodram's Avatar
The reason NPR was not defunded was because of support from the public not the other way around as you assert. The "they" you are referring to was a single individual that was terminated as a result.

Are you aware how much of NPR's funding comes from the government? Here's a chart of the breakdown:

It would seem to me there are much bigger economic issues at hand than NPR's funding. It also is apparent that it was simply a partisan attack that was initiated by a pseudo journalist named James O'keefe, who is considered to be a joke and a hack by journalist, and Andrew Breitbart who has a reputation for editing video to mislead and submitting it as evidence. Breitbart and O'keefe both have been both been accused and repudiated by the courts for this. This is one of the many reasons why Republicans have lost credibility on this issue and why this is no longer being addressed.

Now as to whether or not NPR is left leaning, I would argue that comparing NPR to Fox news is an unbalanced approach considering that Fox is simply a shill for Corporate America and Republicans, and I can prove that by the way, as to where NPR does spotlight community and cultural issues (and this is BAD only to conservatives whom are not mainstream America) and does so far less frequently than Fox and their inarguable conservative approach.
Precious_b's Avatar
No soapboxes here for *journalist* who take things out of context to support their agenda (the guy who tilted his story about the anti-republican aspect) and for the budget bit (When Newt first said to cut them from the govt teet, NPR started the strategy to cut ties for funding...they saw the writing on the wall and were proactive about it.)

And they do have a lean. But most all media does. To me, the BBC seems to have the least and why I like listening to them..... other than those bozos who talk about car problems
Rodram's Avatar
They saw the writing on the wall? Do you have proof of this? And how long ago was Newt in any position of power to do anything about NPR? Wasn't he fired by republicans during the Clinton administration? Who is that guy you refer to that tilted the story?
Please take your politics some place else Rodram and start a new thread if you like.

and Precious_b ==> somehow I don't think things will never change on this subject. Sure wish they would and I agree with Pepper's and JJ's thought processes.
Rodram's Avatar
Please take your politics some place else Rodram and start a new thread if you like.

and Precious_b ==> somehow I don't think things will never change on this subject. Sure wish they would and I agree with Pepper's and JJ's thought processes. Originally Posted by dennisrn
Because you said so? You're the one who doesn't have the right to tell me anything so you know what you can do with that request.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-02-2011, 02:46 PM
When you are off topic I do have that right...

The politics of NPR is not the topic of this thread. If any of you wish to discuss NPR's politics please start a new thread.

Stay on topic or I will shut this one down.