Showcase/Review Tab Suggestion

Chuck12's Avatar
I posted a suggestion in the National Members suggestions forum. I am not exactly sure how it works, but perhaps with some support the suggestion may get implemented quicker. So if you think it would be useful, express your support. Below is a link to the thread and a quote of my suggestion. Thanks.

Is there a way to put a link to the reviews page for a provider on her showcase.

I'll use Shannon's showcase as an example because it was one of the "featured" showcases.

The showcase is a great source of info as it provides pics, contact info, a little get to know me of the provider, rates, availability, etc. However, most showcases only show links to a few eccie reviews, the most i've seen is 3.

On the top right hand corner (facing screen) there is the join date, location, post count, and a link to the showcase (which you are already at). However, there is no link on the showcase to the full list of reviews. In order to access that, you have to click on the member's handle, select "view public profile" and then click on the review tab.

It may not sound like very much work, but hell i'm a lazy fucker. A link to the reviews page on the showcase would be excellent. Originally Posted by Chuck12