The death penalty is a government project...

... and conservatives should oppose it.

Good article George Will on the Central Park jogger case from the 1989.

No, it wasn't a death penalty case - she lived - but it goes to show how lazy cops who make up their minds in advance will bend every rule to get a conviction on somebody - anybody - the truth be damned.

I remember this case when it occurred and I thought - like everyone else - that they were 5 guilty punks.

But then, the only version of the story we were getting was the version made up by the cops and fed to the newspapers - and to which the kid had confessed.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Doesn't this argue for a better press? One that fairly challenges the government and authorities?
Doesn't this argue for a better press? One that fairly challenges the government and authorities? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes. It also argues for getting rid of the death penalty.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No, the death penalty as administered is not a deterrent but it is a correct punishment for people like the Aurora shooter, Son of Sam, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and many other sacks of shit out there. I see it as two different issues; punishment and not fair trials. I cringe when I hear of some judge not granting a new trial despite new evidence because of some legal loophole. The punishment should stand, but the system has to be reformed. I am for a system that punishes anyone who knowingly corrups the system. If a prosecutor, lawman, or politician lies, hides evidence, or creates evidence they should face the same charges that they filed.

Case in point; In St. Joseph, MO several years ago a young man with developemental problems was arrested, tried, and convicted of a case of aggravated child molestation. A few years later the same crime was committed in the same area with the same method. A public outcry forced the case to be reopened. It was found that the police chief and his detectives did not have a real confession. They had the words of a young man who said that he liked to play with little boys. They never looked into what was meant by that. No one else was investigated when they had this "confession". They had their man and he went away. You can imagine what he went through in prison as a child molester. The case was reopened and the case was dismissed. Another man was found and convicted. The detectives had retired and the chief lost an election but punishment...not really. My way would have them in prison for knowingly and purposefully railroading an innocent man. That would be part of my reform.