New X rated girl on Tinyy Girl Pix and Website

Edit by VS
Tell me what you think here!! :-)

I don't want to give away all the pictures here. But I added some here and different XXX pictures on the new website. My double partner and I amor elsa were feeling got and steamy taking these.

Thanks to the guy with camera phone who came yesterday to help I appreciate your help

These look good girl.Thanks
You look good. I had so much fun taking these. I wishrour friend would have joined us
Originally Posted by Tiny Girl -Tell me what you think here!! :-)
You should wait to post pics when you actually post an Ad. And do not post links to Porn site. Including yours.
Y did you erase my website? WordPress is a blog page I can use for my personal website. The rules does not say I cannot direct my client o my personal website
maybe when you look at it you assumed it was a porn website. Thank you for thinking that but it is not it is a basic blog page that I created and I can't post my availability and information there for my clients to see that is my website thank you very much for noticing and telling me what you think about my pictures.
Whispers's Avatar
Just get verified and run ads like the rest of the ladies.

The way you are approaching this is as ghetto as the way you express yourself in the words you type.
Not at all.

Is this really disturbing to see? My pictures opposed to the other 3 threads with pictures.
The only difference I see is well...Yu see the difference
I didn't think it would be this big a deal to post pictures on a "hooker board" as y'all call it.

Btw I'm not able to get provider status at 20 yrs old . Unless I submit my id.I don't see why I have to provide my actual name and address....way to you risky.
Would you submit your info on a website where there are post about being outed and drama our what not?
I can't do in the mean time I will comment and post where I want as appropriate.

Again I'm sorry but I didn't think this was a bad idea I have seen many of you guys already I'm not s trouble maker. But I am NOT able to be a hooker without you or these pictures so.Would you like to respond and tell me what you think about my new update and pictures?
Your pictures are great and you are a very sexy woman. I think he means the "in your face" approach with constant posts are a bit...well...annoying and deters others in the opposite direction. It shows shows your youthful enthusiasm which is not really a good thing in this instance. Show that BCD during the session. I guarantee your product will sell itself. Bob's Chophouse doesn't have a guy in a steak costume out front to tell you how good the steak will be when you get in. It is spread by word of mouth simply put! Men, professional or otherwise are not attracted to over the top, loud, or drama filled women as you seem to portray. It's all good to be noticed a bit, but running through a movie theatre yelling fire is another thing. Im offering some friendly advice to you as consumer. You can take it for what it's worth..

newcumerz's Avatar
If you really want to sell those pics don't crop or pose as if it was to just hook someone in. Take shots of you girls actually doing stuff.
inspector farquar's Avatar
Channel some of that enthusiasm into your sessions and you'll be golden. The way your heading, you'll be gone. Soon.
Yea I told you they going in on me.
Lol I'm sorry y'all
Tiny was HOT when I saw her, I'm trying imagine how hot her and Elsa would be together. Hope schedules align soon!!!
Peter Gozinya's Avatar
Take all info as constructive criticism. Don't take it personal. There are some valid points. Your presence comes off like most Bp girls. You certainly brought attention to yourselves but don't over do it. It comes off a little desperate. Once you are verified you can post ads instead of posting on your thread.

also seems like there is someone in the shadows pushing the keyboard for you two. Just my opinion and could be the reason others don't jump in.