In call Hotel procedures?

Robertogorgeous's Avatar
Hello Ladies and gents, so I was just wondering what are in call hotel procedures? Newbie here looking to partake in my first in call experience, and some advice would help. Like what to wear, how to act and what to lookout for :don't wanna mess it up. And I heard a particular hotel notel with a fruit in its name could be LE.
Dress normal, act normal, try to find out where the elevators are in advance. If LE are doing a sting, I'm doubtful they would be there waiting with waving flags, but still just be alert.

Have fun!
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Be Invisible!!! Dress normal, act like you belong there. Get in and out quickly and quietly. I give complete explicit instructions on how to get to where you need to be from the place, to where to park, enter, etc. That is how it should be.
Not an alert. Moved to coed
ttmax's Avatar
  • ttmax
  • 10-28-2014, 03:15 PM
Register at the front desk. ...and ask them "where is the action?".... no there is another way....just be you!!!
inspector farquar's Avatar
T squared makes a serious funny!
If you are in the lobby and you call the lady for the room number DO NOT repeat it out loud.
inspector farquar's Avatar
And wipe THAT SMIRK off your face.
alex_morgan's Avatar
I always leave through a different door than the one I entered.
Carry a carryon type bag. Even if it's just towels. lol
Kuhlarrow's Avatar
Lol...Don't sweat the petty and don't pet the sweaty!!!

I just walk in like I own the damn place, hell I've even gotten a collection of free toothbrushes, toothpaste & shavers from all the front desks I've visited!!!!

Today my ATF/UTR needed a room so I got her one and we walked in together she's looking hot in sexy blue short suit/ensemble and since it was a 3 or 4 star nice business class hotel, and I wasn't coming from a biz meeting I dressed in casual attire. The front desk girl just KNEW we were about to fuck our brains out...guess she could smell the KMan pheromones lol! I mean my gosh she got flustered as she rambled on telling us all about the hotel pool, laundry, room service, happy hour h'ordoevres, even how to use the wall thermostat hell I almost just wanted to say "...wanna join?" Lol
Afterwards I left using a side exit where I strategically parked my car so I wouldn't HAVE to go back by the front desk...besides, I had already gotten my free toothpaste at check in LOL!!!
Precious_b's Avatar
Always bring the proper stuff in a handy carry all

Lol...Don't sweat the petty and don't pet the sweaty!!!

I just walk in like I own the damn place, hell I've even gotten a collection of free toothbrushes, toothpaste & shavers from all the front desks I've visited!!!!

Today my ATF/UTR needed a room so I got her one and we walked in together she's looking hot in sexy blue short suit/ensemble and since it was a 3 or 4 star nice business class hotel, and I wasn't coming from a biz meeting I dressed in casual attire. The front desk girl just KNEW we were about to fuck our brains out...guess she could smell the KMan pheromones lol! I mean my gosh she got flustered as she rambled on telling us all about the hotel pool, laundry, room service, happy hour h'ordoevres, even how to use the wall thermostat hell I almost just wanted to say "...wanna join?" Lol
Afterwards I left using a side exit where I strategically parked my car so I wouldn't HAVE to go back by the front desk...besides, I had already gotten my free toothpaste at check in LOL!!! Originally Posted by Kuhlarrow
1. Doubt it....

2. Doubt it again....

3...Can I guess again!?!? need they smelt the bullshit.
You don't have to carry a bag if you don't want to. Walk with purpose. Walk as if you have the intention of going to your room. Not as if you are there to visit someone. It sounds silly but body language is everything. If the front desk is greeting people, always say hi as if you are appreciative of them being cordial to you, the guest/patron. If I feel the front desk is watching while I'm waiting for the elevator I look thru my wallet as if I am looking for my room key.

I often times I ask the guy to not knock on the door.
I usually stand right by the door with it cracked looking thru the peephole waiting to open the door when I see them. Sometimes i prop the door open with the door lock and tell the guy to come on in. It's a wonder why some guys still knock and yell hello loudly; pretty annoying actually.

I don't recommend having a loud greeting at the door.
It's best to enter, wait for the door to close, and have a quiet greeting when you are close to the door. Reason being, you can still hear conversations taking place by the door from the hallway. I usually put a towel under the crack of the door to help with some sound-proofing, but that is up to the provider.

Happy Hobbying!
Just don't be like Chris Farley and ask where the weight room is.