very weird....

Ok so I don't know what to make of this, but in response to my recent I SO thread I got a pm from User74 interested in my request. I had many pm's....anyhow, he wanted to try and meet up and asked me to lunch today, which I was planning on meeting him at. Something came up and my mom has my car so I canceled lumch. Well he wanted to pick me up and I was hungry and thought that was nice for him to offer, so I agreed and texted my address. I got ready and was looking forward to it and he arrived right on time. He texted he was here and I walked outsude, but realized I was wearing the wrong shoes (ladies, u understand) I pointed at my feet and went inside to grab my other shoes, I was back outside in less than 30 seconds and he is gone. So I texted and tried to call and he didn't I texted again, and nothing. I found this strange and texted that I was posting an alert. Then he texted me back and said he left because I went inside and didn't come back out so he left. I have the text from him saying 'I'm here' at 2:26 pm and then at 2:29 I said 'why did u leave?' He refused to come back after I explained that a. I have many reviews and am well known across the board...and b. WE WERE JUST GOING TO LUNCH! smh he could be harmless, I just find it strange, maybe he just didn't like the way I looked. Just a heads up girls. Play safe!
xoxo nina
Let me take you to lunch, geez what an idiot!!
I say cut him some slack. There is a natural "Fight or Flight" response in all of us. He didn't know if you were stepping back inside to let LE swoop in. He chose Flight.
ck1942's Avatar
jmho, but

I think you are OK, now, and

1) never accept a ride from anyone (or give him your address, or phone number either!) unless you have gotten him fully vouched, and

2) you are better off meeting someone unvouched (best NOT) in a location other than your own... like maybe at a Starbux.

3) all is well that ends, well. You at least know what his ride looks like if he ever shows up again.
Maybe he recognized you from RW?
Maybe he felt rejected when you saw him, turned around, and went back inside. With his heart in pieces he drove away and couldn't bring himself to return.
Not an Alert. Moved to COED.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Maybe he felt rejected when you saw him, turned around, and went back inside. With his heart in pieces he drove away and couldn't bring himself to return. Originally Posted by chivalrous

That almost made me cry. .... Almost.

Don't be a dumb hooktard... Did you invite him to your home? If you did, that is pretty fucking dumb, since you don't know him and if other people live there.

He got spooked. Perhaps he saw other people hanging around the place and thought that was the signal to nab him or get his plates.

He was smart to get the fuck out of there, since he doesn't know you.

We've met several times, and confidence is not something that you exude? Most times, there is someone you know hanging around.
Doglegg's Avatar
IMO the guy got spooked.

1. Guys don't speak "Oops! Wrong shoes!!! I'll just be a ________." Fill in the blank with appropriate time frame from 1 minute to 1 hour sign language, because the choice of shoes may not be the problem. While trying to match the shoes you may decide the whole outfit is wrong and its time to start over. Or maybe SHOPPING is the answer. Both are scary to a male on a timeline.

2. Neighborhoods. Who is watching? Is there a nosy neighbor? Is it a sting?
I once had an appointment with a favorite that was in a nice quiet neighborhood in nice quiet suburbia. I drove around the block four or five times before parking down the block and walking to the house, mostly because of one neighbor in a lawnchair in the front yard with a nervous Nellie Chihuahua that must have had obstructed bowels due to the eye bulge as it struggled to take a shit. Anything from a Time-Warner van to a grandother in a wheelchair can spook the average male who has watched too many crime shows.

Cut the guy some slack.

Next time meet down the street (never ever at your home or friend's homes. Too many stalkers.

Be freaking ready. Right shoes, wrong shoes whatever. I would be happy with flip flops if it gets you out the door on time.

I hope the next lunch meeting goes better for you and for him.

Probably not a problem. One never knows what is really going on in someone's head. Maybe, he had to pee or something. Maybe, his gf called him. Maybe, something came up, and he needed to cancel, wanted an excuse to cancel but when you went inside, it was the perfect opportunity to leave. You will probably never know but we all do some weird stuff. I jumped up and down in the elevator, and it got stuck in the elevator at the library downtown. I had to wait 20 minutes until the maintenance man cam down to unstick the elevator. Usually, I keep quiet about the stupid things, I do but I want you to know that we all do something stupid or weird. He might be as crazy as me, and he was too shy or too bashful to say what happened. I would just let it go. Crazier things will happen.
mayorcastro's Avatar
Maybe he was afraid of getting a bump on his dick.
[QUOTE=SweetNina0808;105597a heads up girls. Play safe!
xoxo nina[/QUOTE] You might want to relay to your Gal friends that this type of frustration is what some of us well meaning Gents go through all the time .. # changed ...messages not returned etc etc ...I will tell you this . I f I said I was taking you to lunch you can bet your sweet ass it would happen better luck next time !
Maybe he felt rejected when you saw him, turned around, and went back inside. With his heart in pieces he drove away and couldn't bring himself to return. Originally Posted by chivalrous
Hate to post all over someones thread . BUTT.I can tell you when i started this hobby the Anxiety Level at a first interaction was heart pounding scary as fuck ... makes it quite exciting but Jesus the nerves not good for getting a hard on as you can guess I think Mr Chivalrous is correct
Precious_b's Avatar
Good one Doglegg: Guys don't speak "Oops! Wrong shoes!!!

Guys can be spooked easily.

I always remember one clandestine visit I made late at night. Happened to have a back channel connection contact me telling about a HOT Dallas Provider coming to town UTR.

Well, I was interested and scheduled. When I arrived, I noticed a panel van cruising about. THAT is enough to let a smart Hobbyist high tail it out.

Fortunately my vision was half way decent enough to make a deduction that the driver was the girls doubles partner. And confirmed when I visited. They rented a moving van because the hassle a car rental company and their situation.

Point being: more than likely he didn't get the message clear enough.

From personal experience, I know Nina is good to go.