Oil Boomk

A person would think with the current oil boom Eccie would have been moved to Dakotas but I suppose they must have there own system up there. If anyone uses this part of the board please let me know to satisfy my own curiosity..
They do have a system up there and they have their own board.

Hopefully this forum will pick up because there's some great guys up in the Dakota's.
What is their board?
Yes enlighten me What is it :P
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
This is their board.

Nice people on there, but keep in mind....its an open board and I'm sure LE ventures on there just like any other board.
Thanks Love appreciate it,
tia travels's Avatar
Dakota board is probably in hands of F B I. Be careful with it.
<-- I did intro and snooped its a different character isnt it..
Oh Tia! Really? call me. My boys! All my loverly dakotaboys being all manhandled by them pervo feds? NO!! NO!!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
The love is here my friends!

Sorry. I said a bad word didn't I.
Hot tubs and champagne?
Wild Turkey and 7Up?

3 Measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet.
Shake it very well until it's ice cold, then add a large slice of lemon peel.

Three of those and lay your head back and stare. Caress.
Here is a relatively new board: tmdhh.com Stands for "the montana dakota hobby hunter."

Not much traffic on the fora, not many members or providers, but they are new.
  • Blaze
  • 11-19-2012, 07:30 AM
I really need to update my list of hobby sites. I had no clue there were any up there.