Anybody Notice The August Inflation Numbers…….

Wall Street sure did.

This is on the same day that the Idiot Biden and a bunch of “Swampers” were celebrating his Deficit Reduction Act. Which by the way will only reduce the amount of money in taxpayers pockets.

Truth is, Democrats could care less. As long as the can abort babies and get free government handouts, they are content.
... Not just "Inflation" - but grocery prices and energy prices.

#### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
You beat me to the topic, which I would have called, "you've got to be kidding".

Dem's knew they had thrown this party to coincide with the day the new inflation numbers came out thinking, Hell, knowing that their magic wand was going to improve those numbers but they didn't and because it was catastrophic, the market lost 1200 some odd points on a day the White House is throwing a big celebration for their Deficit Reduction Act that has failed to spur the market with such great news of the bill passing but when the numbers show that inflation ( the number one issue voters have on their minds ) is going to last longer and be more painful than Democrats wanted to tell us, is, well....... PRICELESS!

The workers at the New York Times seem to have recognized the inflation problem when they were told to come back to work. No, they said, going back to work with transportation costs and time and other variables considering the inflation would be to costly without a 13% raise.

But funny how the front page of the New York Times isn't as interested in talking about inflation while the Washington Post is roasting Biden over a pit, holding his feet to the fire in case you haven't seen the headlines.

But James Taylor, "GOD Bless him", said Joe Biden, was there to entertain the mostly younger staffers who were busy asking who the heck is James Taylor... actually one of my favorite singers but then I'm as old as dirt.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Prices will fall when…
adav8s28's Avatar
Prices will fall when… Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
When the supply chain problems are fixed. The price of gasoline at the pump has already come down.
chefnerd's Avatar
OK, how about someone come up with PROOF that ANY President can actually have an impact on inflation. I have yet in the last 50 years seen any presidential actions that affected inflation. The Federal Reserve however has had a HUGE impact.
OK, how about someone come up with PROOF that ANY President can actually have an impact on inflation. Originally Posted by chefnerd

25 executive orders and new regulations that caused energy prices to soar

Signed into law more spending when the economy had already bounced back

His pick for Transportation Secretary on vacation while ships backed up at ports
Biden took a strong economy and ran it into the ground in less than 2 years
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-14-2022, 07:01 AM
OK, how about someone come up with PROOF that ANY President can actually have an impact on inflation. I have yet in the last 50 years seen any presidential actions that affected inflation. The Federal Reserve however has had a HUGE impact. Originally Posted by chefnerd
I've argued here that the Fed is way more important/powerful than the President.

In fact Powell may have just sunk the Dems Senate hopes.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-14-2022, 07:08 AM
Biden took a strong economy and ran it into the ground in less than 2 years
Originally Posted by LayingPipe
That is an idiotic thing to say.

You seem to forget we were running trillion dollar deficits (hardly a sign of a strong economy) BEFORE Covid. Covid brought the world to its knees. Then this Russian war. Until we readjust supply chains, there is no way to tell how the economy will be. But to say it was strong , would be like saying it is still strong and Powell is trying to reign it in.
ICU 812's Avatar
The Federal Reserve folks noticed!

So did the NY Stock Market!
chefnerd's Avatar
I've argued here that the Fed is way more important/powerful than the President.

In fact Powell may have just sunk the Dems Senate hopes. Originally Posted by WTF

In the 1980's it was the Fed that bought inflation under control and kick-started the economy NOT the tax cuts. Reagan got tax cuts implemented in 1981, However the US economy was in recession in 1982 and 1983. Tax increases in 83 and 84 eliminated almost all of the 81 cuts. It was not until the Fed cut rates that it began to make sense for corporations to begin to obtain ANY debt to invest in capital investment.
eyecu2's Avatar
when money is cheap (*at low interest rates), people spend, and when its tied to high interest, they save. It's been that way for a long long time.

Trump had tried to influence the Fed to a zero % at one time, which is outrageous. It would have crippled other economies who were at the time battling inflation like in japan etc., but it's because he hired "the best People". Larry Kudlow with his history degree as the chief economist, may have a TV Hustle show he ran for CNBC, but is hardly a guy who knows how to figure out markets, but just read from a prompter.

The link is here:
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-20-2022, 07:09 AM
In the 1980's it was the Fed that bought inflation under control and kick-started the economy NOT the tax cuts. Reagan got tax cuts implemented in 1981, However the US economy was in recession in 1982 and 1983. Tax increases in 83 and 84 eliminated almost all of the 81 cuts. It was not until the Fed cut rates that it began to make sense for corporations to begin to obtain ANY debt to invest in capital investment. Originally Posted by chefnerd
Oh you are going to burst lustylad and Tiny's bubble.

They were trained that tax cuts are the one and only answer to any economic problem!

They are our Rainman of the Political Forum!

"Tax cuts at 2 o'clock"
lustylad's Avatar
OK, how about someone come up with PROOF that ANY President can actually have an impact on inflation. I have yet in the last 50 years seen any presidential actions that affected inflation. The Federal Reserve however has had a HUGE impact. Originally Posted by chefnerd
With the exception of the last sentence, this is the most ignorant economic comment I've ever seen in the Political Forum.

Move over, WTF. You've got competition!