Whats up with Eccie: 503 Error msg.

Budman's Avatar
I am having trouble opening multiple forum threads. I can go to a city. I can open a forum but in many cases I cannot open the thread. I get a 503 error message. This has happened in the Provider Ads in San Antonio, Austin and Houston. Any ideas?
Budman's Avatar
I cleared cookies and logged out. That seemed to fix the problem. Thanks CC.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-02-2011, 07:21 PM
Sometimes HTML code sent from a website's server gets torqued as it is being loaded by the browser. Data sent through the Internet is sent pieces at a time called packets. Sometimes not all of the packets make it to the browser and that will cause problems like this one. I have seen this happen with most of the browsers out there. The remedy you described almost always cures that issue.

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