skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Dumb like this?

skirtchaser79411's Avatar
you are right she is also a dumb ass
One of the republican's best and brightest.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The special prosecutor in the case was a Republican.

Say good night, MOFO!

Pity they didn't nail him sooner.

But maybe now the wheels will come off the Abbott train. He's already losing ground to Davis. His mentor getting busted for serious cluelessness and wanton abuse of power (take note all you Obama haters) is going to trickle down... His leg.

Perry messed with Texas. Fuck him.

BTW -- I'd much rather have a DWI on my record than two felony counts. Say what you want... Rosemary comes out of this vindicated. Sure, with her record she'll never get a job as a bus driver, but Perry might.
JCM800's Avatar
His "smart glasses" must of failed him.

One of the republican's best and brightest. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I certainly hope you have your tongue planted firmly in your cheek.

Rick Perry is proof that Texas can function quite well without a Governor.
An indictment is a long way from a conviction.

The coming months should be very, very interesting.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're right about that, BT. But as we all know, a felony indictment can create a shitload of baggage for any campaign.
You're right about that, BT. But as we all know, a felony indictment can create a shitload of baggage for any campaign. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I was thinking about buying some stock!

This movie should have some interesting twists and turns!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm just wondering whose ass he'll roll on. You know he's chickenshit enough to take the whole club down with him...
Daracus's Avatar
Later Slick Rick! Toodles!!!!!!!
Gov. Perry is not the only Texas Republican under investigation.

The Republican Party's current candidate for Attorney General (Ken Paxton) has also been under investigation. At this time, no indictment has been handed down on Paxton.

This evenings Politico story about Governor Perry follows:

Rick Perry indicted, backers cry witch-hunt
By: Nahal Toosi
August 15, 2014 06:52 PM EDT

A grand jury in Texas indicted Gov. Rick Perry on Friday alleging abuse of power in office.

The Republican’s conservative allies fired right back with their own accusation: This is a witch hunt.

Perry, a potential 2016 presidential candidate, is accused of trying to coerce a Democratic official who oversees an agency that investigates public corruption to resign after she was arrested on a drunken driving charge. He threatened to veto millions from her public integrity unit if she didn’t, leading to criticism he had overstepped his authority.

One charge Perry was indicted on, abuse of official capacity, is a first-degree felony that could carry from five to 99 years in prison; a second charge, coercion of a public servant, is a third-degree felony that carries a punishment of two to 10 years, according to The Associated Press.

The indictment is a blow to Perry just as he’s trying to rehabilitate his image after a disastrous 2012 presidential run. But he also is the third major potential White House candidate on the Republican side — the others being Govs. Chris Christie of New Jersey and Scott Walker of Wisconsin — to face legal problems at a time when no clear GOP standard-bearer has appeared in the run-up to 2016.

How much support Perry — who is considered a long shot for the White House — gets from fellow Republicans in the long run may depend on whether he’s convicted, and it’s unclear when a trial would be held. And privately, several Republican strategists predicted a rough road for a presidential candidate under indictment.

Still, the quick defense of Perry from some conservatives suggests the blow might be more of a blessing for the governor in corners of the Republican Party that could be helpful to him in a primary run.

“Breaking: Travis County prosecutor indicts Rick Perry for trying to cut the prosecutor’s budget,” conservative writer Eric Erickson posted on Twitter.

Republican strategist Bruce Haynes of Purple Strategies said Democrats who try to use this against Perry should “beware.”

“GOP state level activists love nothing more right now than a leader with the guts to stand up against a system they believe is failing the people and protecting the elites,” he wrote in an email. “Ultimately this may not be a threat to Perry as much as it is a gift.”

Meanwhile, on Friday night, just as word was spreading about the indictment, Perry’s political action committee, RickPAC, sent out a fundraising solicitation via Twitter. “I started RickPAC to help elect strong candidates that share the conservative vision for the nation. Donate today!” it said before sharing a link.

Perry’s lawyer, David L. Botsford, said in a statement that he was “outraged and appalled” by the Travis County grand jury’s decision, which he described as “political abuse of the court system.”

“The facts of this case conclude that the governor’s veto was lawful, appropriate and well within the authority of the office of the governor,” Botsford said in the statement. “Today’s action, which violates the separation of powers outlined in the Texas Constitution, is nothing more than an effort to weaken the constitutional authority granted to the office of Texas governor, and sets a dangerous precedent by allowing a grand jury to punish the exercise of a lawful and constitutional authority afforded to the Texas governor.”

Perry, the longest-serving governor in Texas history, ran for president in 2012, entering the GOP field with strong momentum. But he quickly flamed out after a series of gaffes and missteps.

Over the past several months, he has been on something of a PR offensive that suggests he might try again for the White House in 2016. He’s gone on late-night television shows and traveled abroad, all while sporting new, hipsterish glasses.

Recently, he’s also been very public on the immigration issue, taking on President Barack Obama to vent his frustrations over the influx of thousands of minor children from Latin America across the U.S.-Mexico border. He also wrote a piece attacking Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, another potential GOP presidential contender, on foreign policy.

Bill Miller, a Texas lobbyist who has worked for both Democrats and Republicans, said Perry has faced challenges before but that the indictment “is the biggest yet. He needs favorable resolution before voting [for 2016 candidates] begins. The adage about if it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger is definitely being tested.”

But Perry is hardly the only presidential prospect who’s had to face a flood of bad legal news.

Christie remains under investigation by state lawmakers and the U.S. attorney in New Jersey over questions about whether he played any role in the scandal known as Bridgegate. That controversy blew up in January when it was revealed some of Christie’s aides and allies helped orchestrate traffic jams near the busy George Washington Bridge as part of alleged political retribution.

Christie has denied any knowledge of or role in the scheme, and no evidence has emerged tying him to it. After issuing an apology for his staff and allies’ behavior, Christie initially kept a low profile, but after some weeks he began holding forth in public more often. He’s also kept up his duties as the chairman of the Republican Governors Association.

Walker’s time in the governor’s office in Wisconsin has been tainted by investigations involving some of his aides and associates dating back to his time as Milwaukee County executive.

One case, involving allegations such as campaigning on taxpayer time, resulted in six convictions. A second investigation, which is currently on hold, has involved allegations of illegal fundraising and other maneuvers. Walker himself has not been charged in either case.

At the same time, another GOP politician, former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, is currently on trial alongside his wife. The couple are accused of trading government favors in exchange for lavish gifts and loans. McDonnell is expected to testify as early as next week.

Even on the Democratic side, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, widely seen as a potential presidential contender, is being probed by Manhattan federal prosecutor Preet Bharara over whether he interfered illegally with the workings of a corruption-busting panel he appointed.

Even if none of these governors are in the end convicted or even indicted, the legal process itself can nonetheless have its toll on their reputation and serve as a distraction.

The prospect of three Republican White House hopefuls facing problems with the law has already provided plenty of fodder for Democrats.

“Once upon a time, there was a belief that Republican governors — like Rick Perry and Bob McDonnell, Chris Christie and Scott Walker — represented a bright future and a new direction for the GOP,” said a statement from the liberal group American Bridge. “Well, it’s a new direction alright: courtward. Bob McDonnell may have started the scandal train, but now everybody is hopping on board.”

Alex Isenstadt contributed to this report.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You lefties understand what you're talking about? She has accused Perry of overstepping his authority with his veto. Who else do we know that is overstepping their authority? I just knew it. It is on the tip of my tongue. O something, O baaaaaa....Ma. That sounds familiar. Obama. So if you think this is okay, they you have to go after your master.
You lefties understand what you're talking about? She has accused Perry of overstepping his authority with his veto. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Don't put the cart before the horse, the only one that has been indicted is Goodhair.

Sit back, grab a bag of and enjoy the show.

This might be another of those patented Goodhair "oops" moments!