Dominion sues the shit out of Sidney Powell

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hope she knows a decent lawyer!

Dominion sues Trump lawyer Sidney Powell for defamation, seeks $1.3 billion
Powell has made a variety of baseless accusations of wrongdoing concerning Dominion, some of which have fueled conspiracy theories pushed by the president.

Jan. 8, 2021, 8:16 AM CST

Dominion Voting Systems, one of the biggest election equipment manufacturers in the U.S. and the subject of numerous incoherent conspiracy theories about the 2020 election, has sued lawyer Sidney Powell, who pushed President Donald Trump’s attempts to overturn election results, for defamation.

“Powell falsely claimed that Dominion had rigged the election, that Dominion was created in Venezuela to rig elections for Hugo Chávez, and that Dominion bribed Georgia officials for a no-bid contract,” the lawsuit states.

Powell didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Dominion is requesting damages of more than $1.3 billion, saying it has spent millions on security for its employees and on damage control to its reputation, and risks losing future business.

A Dominion employee who was harassed by Trump supporters previously sued Powell and others. In December, Dominion sent cease-and-desist letters to some conservative media outlets that pushed the election theories, including Fox News and OAN, which led to them walking back their claims.

Claims of voter fraud have been widely rejected.

Election experts have uniformly declared that the 2020 election was conducted fairly. A union of every senior federal and state official who oversaw the election declared it “the most secure in American history." Election security experts, many of whom popularized the notion of hacking voting machines to increase awareness of the vulnerabilities in election systems, found that “in every case of which we are aware, these claims either have been unsubstantiated or are technically incoherent.”

That has not stopped Trump and his supporters from making a variety of evidence-free claims that the election was stolen. Some of the most widespread claims targeted Dominion, which supplied voting systems to 28 states.

Powell, who appeared with Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani in their attempts to challenge the election's results, consistently pushed a slew of wild conspiracy theories that were embraced by QAnon followers, many of which Trump also promoted.

Powell promised big and didn't deliver, insisting she would "release the kraken," referring to a bombshell revelation about election conspiracy that would result in Trump winning the election after he lost. Despite a number of bungled lawsuits that never came.

Matt Masterson, a senior election security adviser at the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency until he left office in December, praised Dominion’s suit as a way to push back against deliberate falsehoods about the election’s integrity.

“There's no truth to any of the allegations about Dominion, and we know that because Georgia went back and counted all the ballots, and it was consistent,” Masterson said in a phone call.

“The concern here is the court system was used as a vehicle for disinformation,” Masterson said. “So I'm glad to see Dominion responding back, because this is the avenue they have.”
Maybe Trumps campaign will come up with the 1.3 billion. Trump is rich right.
all these enablers need to have their day in court together, something along the lines of the nuremberg trials....
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-08-2021, 11:44 AM
This one should be fun to watch.

I assume she will probably be hit with significantly less than that, but it will (should) be a very sizable amount.

She will immediately declare bankruptcy and find all sorts of reasons why such a finding is political persecution.

The spineless talking zombies on here and elsewhere will bemoan the loss of "free speech" because, in reality, she is doing no worse than what her Fearless Leader did for six years now.

Where is Shylock when you need him? Take that pound of flesh plus for what the lying scum of a "lawyer" did.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Ok, how fast will the phrase "reliable sources informed me" be spoken by defendant.

Dominion know's what the suit is worth. Entirely promotional cause defendant will go bankrupt. But, who are the John & Jane Doe defendants. Maybe there's a few dollars there
matchingmole's Avatar
Fuck that stupid bitch..........
Grace Preston's Avatar
And this suit is what makes me confident that Powell doesn't have proof of her claims-- Dominion would never in a million years risk that being found in discovery if it were factual-- it would end them.

If she's lying.. who else is lying....
matchingmole's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
This is gonna backfire for dominion bigly!
When it does the suit will be dropped and nothing reported!
This is a bigly publicity stunt!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
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winn dixie's Avatar
Those who have closed minds........
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Fuck Dominion, and fuck Sidney Powell
This is gonna backfire for dominion bigly!
When it does the suit will be dropped and nothing reported!
This is a bigly publicity stunt! Originally Posted by winn dixie
I think not trixie. And this is just the first of many probable lawsuits they will be filing. Future lawsuits will include (but not limited to):

Rudy Guiliani
Ted Cruz
Josh Hawley

and of course the biggest lawsuit will be reserved for:

Donald J Trump, resident of whatever shithole country that will have him
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
given the fact the dominion machines have an reported error rate of 68% in GA and WI? explain that.

I think Powell has a case of fraud. this thing is going take some time to unwind....

theres going to be alot of experts be involved in this.
matchingmole's Avatar
given the fact the dominion machines have an reported error rate of 68% in GA and WI? explain that.

I think Powell has a case of fraud. this thing is going take some time to unwind....

theres going to be alot of experts be involved in this. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
