What is a dilemma? :-)

MajTom's Avatar
What is a dilemma?

Two men are having a drink in a bar. One says, “You know, I’ve never really understood what a dilemma is…”

“Let me tell you a story,” says the other man, “Imagine you wake up in a bed with two people next to you.

To your left is an incredibly beautiful woman willing to have sex with you, and to your right is a very horny gay man.”

“So where’s the dilemma?” replies the first man.

“To whom do you turn your back.”
notanewbie's Avatar
I hate it when that happens
  • cr76
  • 10-07-2015, 02:06 PM
Lmao that's most certainly a dilemma if ever I've heard one
Dragging the fat chick home.... That's the delmina ..... Then chew your arm off, or call 911
Oralist's Avatar
Tonight's delimma. Astros or Texans game. I'll be doing a lot of channel switching.
Tonight's delimma. Astros or Texans game. I'll be doing a lot of channel switching. Originally Posted by Oralist
Easy decision.

Pull a back up TV into the living room (most everyone has one, two, three additional sets in other rooms throughout the house, right?).........anyway, set 'em up side-by-side, order your fave delivery pizza, ice down a few coldies.....then kick it back and enjoy both games.

And if you're so inclined.....maybe set up an out-call with your ATF and have a little fun before, during or after the games

Slitlikr's Avatar
^^^Get a TV with split screen^^^