Dinesh D'Souza Released On $500,000 Bond

These charges better stick, because the Patriots could get pissed...


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'2016: Obama's America' Filmmaker Indicted for Violating Campaign Finance Laws
D'Souza's bail was set at $500,000 and he was released after promising that one financially responsible person would sign "a personal recognizance bond" within a week. The case was then adjourned until March 4. D'Souza spent six hours at the courthouse and was briefly handcuffed.
D'Souza, the filmmaker behind 2016: Obama's America, also must surrender his passport, adhere to pretrial supervision, make no new travel applications and restrict travel to the continental U.S. with prior approval.
D'Souza is in the midst of making his follow-up to 2016, a documentary called America that is set for release July 4. Sources say D'Souza had planned to head from New York to Oklahoma to shoot re-creations of American historical events, and insiders say those plans probably won't need to be changed in light of D'Souza's travel restrictions.
EARLIER: '2016: Obama's America' Filmmaker Indicted for Violating Campaign Finance Laws
In an indictment late Thursday federal authorities accused D'Souza of directing certain people to make political donations to a candidate before reimbursing them. In this way, he could funnel more money to a campaign than would be legal, authorities allege.
The indictment doesn't name the candidate, but sources say it was Republican Wendy Long, who ran for U.S. Senate against now-Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, a Democrat.
D'Souza's attorney, Benjamin Brafman, said D'Souza's action were merely "an act of misguided friendship" and that it didn't involve "any knowledge by the candidate that campaign finance rules may have been violated." He also said that "there was never a corrupt agreement of any kind."
Gerald Molen, who co-produced 2016, a negative take on President Barack Obama, and is co-producing America, says the prosecution of D'Souza amounts to "criminalizing dissent through the selective enforcement of the law."
FBI assistant director-in-charge George Venizelos disagrees.
"Trying to influence elections through bogus campaign contributions is a serious crime. Today, Mr. D'Souza finds himself on the wrong side of the law." said Venizelos. "The Federal Election Campaign Act was written to limit the influence of money in elections; The FBI is fiercely committed to enforcing those laws to maintain the integrity of our democratic process."
D'Souza is set to debate Bill Ayers on Thursday at Dartmouth College, and insiders say the schedule will be kept despite the filmmaker's new travel restrictions. Ayers is the former far-left activist-fugitive who co-founded the Weather Underground, which bombed public buildings four decades ago. In 2008, Sarah Palin made headlines when she accused Obama of "palling around with terrorists," a reference to the president and Ayers having served on Chicago education boards together. Parts of the Ayers-D'Souza debate are expected to appear in America.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-24-2014, 08:22 PM
Cocksucker owes me 11 dollars for seeing that shitty movie of his!
Cocksucker owes me 11 dollars for seeing that shitty movie of his! Originally Posted by WTF
There is a lot of money you won't ever see again. Eleven bucks to see a cheesy movie is just the tip of the iceberg. Keep voting for Liberal Democrats Motherfucker, lol.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Does it bother anyone that in the last three weeks the federal government has investigated, brought charges, indicted, or just threatened legal action against one sitting governor, one former governor, a film maker, and a video activist? All conservatives or republicans
JD, you have got to be kidding....appealing to the moral code of the lefties that populate ECCIE is a waste of time...it only make sense (and is the most fun) to mock and ridicule the Obamaimbeciles.

Asking "does it bother you", is futile.

Does it bother anyone ..... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Well you did not expect them to do anything to the Democrat crooks did you.
Cranston3's Avatar
Does it bother anyone that in the last three weeks the federal government has investigated, brought charges, indicted, or just threatened legal action against one sitting governor, one former governor, a film maker, and a video activist? All conservatives or republicans Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

That's what banana republics do...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-25-2014, 02:54 PM
There is a lot of money you won't ever see again. Eleven bucks to see a cheesy movie is just the tip of the iceberg. Keep voting for Liberal Democrats Motherfucker, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
First off 11 bucks is not a lot of money, thank God but the movie I saw was that bullshit movie D'Souza made about Obama. What a waste of time. SO should have been arrested long ago for fraud!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-25-2014, 02:57 PM
JD, you have got to be kidding....appealing to the moral code of the lefties that populate ECCIE is a waste of time...it only make sense (and is the most fun) to mock and ridicule the Obamaimbeciles.

Asking "does it bother you", is futile. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You tell'em Whirly. I sure the fuck don't care what JD whines about! I figure it has to be a good thing...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I spoke with my mother today. She turned 85 a couple of weeks ago and hasn't slowed down at all. She was telling me that liberals need to start waking up to what is going on and quit kissing Obama's ass (she has a way with words doesn't she?). I told her that liberals don't think he has gone far enough, it is democrats who need to wake up. They need to take their party back from the socialists who took over in the 70s.

Anyone with half a brain should look at the OP and take a pause. Not to make fun or ridicule it but to find out if it is true. What are the charges? Why is this happening? And is this about politics?

In movies we always get a charge when a so-called bad guy suddenly realizes that they have been supporting the devil and change sides suddenly. Only in Hollywood is it that sudden. Most of the time people have unanswered questions when suddenly the answer is discovered. Our leftists have talked about free speech rights for decades but stand by while they drain away. Our leftists have talked about racism but watch as our Justice department plays racial politics. Our leftists have talked about supporting women but are idle when women come under attack by the left for giving voice to an independent opinion.
It isn't the fucking liberals who need to "wake up "- its fucking middle America.
1,092 days till this night comes to a end.
This was a paragraph in the Washington post.... Does anyone believe this? A random review of small donations to a losing effort with no ostensible signs of any irregularity?

"The indictment was the result of a routine review by the FBI of campaign filings with the FEC by various candidates after the 2012 election, according to the U.S. Attorney’s office."

It would seem more plausible that d'souza's name was searched for, not randomly, but purposefully, with intent to punish. Finding his name, then the investigation began. If so, What a wickedness
The acts of this current Administration would cause Richard Nixon to look on with envy, and awe.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-25-2014, 08:20 PM
Does it bother anyone that in the last three weeks the federal government has investigated, brought charges, indicted, or just threatened legal action against one sitting governor, one former governor, a film maker, and a video activist? All conservatives or republicans Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It doesn't bother me at all. They are guilty and need to pay the price that you law and order types are always whining about on other crimes.