Review template

wilson13's Avatar
When using the mobile site, how can I access the review template? I tried the + on the right sight but that only brings up the form to create a new topic.
gman44's Avatar
after you click on 'Encounter Reports' and then in the middle of the screen you will see a blue rectangular box that says 'New Encounter Report'

it doesn't show that on your phone?
wilson13's Avatar
No, I dont get the blue rectangular box. Just a box for title and message. Do you think that's a setting to enable that?
Switch from mobile view to web view
The ATSH (Ask the Staff Helper) is back!
Too important a question to leave in a modtards hands
Samcro84's Avatar
I use iPhone on IOS 11.x. Do not have review button, only have + to add post. Drop to bottom go to Full Site link.
Switch from mobile view to web view Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
I use iPhone on IOS 11.x. Do not have review button, only have + to add post. Drop to bottom go to Full Site link. Originally Posted by Samcro84
Is there an echo in here???
And if you wanted to be helpful, start lobbying for a donation line on the template. Other areas have it.
DDarkness's Avatar
Paul I kind of like it in the ROS!

Except 90% of the time.... it's not in the ROS.
Put it back as a required field.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Except 90% of the time.... it's not in the ROS.
Put it back as a required field. Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
I like its not there at all
I just did a review and put the amount in the ROS....
Trying to keep the % of reviews that contain this VITAL info at 10%.... but there is only so much I can do....
DDarkness's Avatar
And Paulie ... SAMCRO approved it!

Nice report btw!

He's allowed to actually do shit?