Morgan Freeman Comments on Black History Month and How To End Racism. (1 minute video)

I have a suggestion. How about racist ignorant redneck dumbasses stop being racist. Problem solved. But then I suspect they’d have nothing to say since I’m their mind race and racism is pervasive in their every thought.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie

excellent post. Freeman did that interview a long time ago but still spot on. the look on Wallace's face is priceless when Freeman said " Stop talking about it".

and why isn't there a "White History Month"? or a "Jewish History Month"? shouldn't everyone and anything have a history month? can't wait for "Trans History Month"!


I have a suggestion. How about racist ignorant redneck dumbasses stop being racist. Problem solved. But then I suspect they’d have nothing to say since I’m their mind race and racism is pervasive in their every thought. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

what about all the other racists? the ones that aren't white? you do know that the surge in Anti-Asian crime lately is almost exclusively committed by blacks yes? strange you don't see that on the news much, they cover it then not another word.

and where's Garland talking about it? jabbering about "White Supremacy" as usual.
Let’s start with the largest group. Then we’ll move on to the rest. I mean, if they can change their ways everyone would follow, right? Shit I’d be satisfied if the folks in this forum stop bitching about race. I can agree to not bring it up if the folks in this forum did the same. It can be that simple. How about you start along with the rest of the right on here.
VitaMan's Avatar
Yes, let's make every month "Truck Month."
  • Tiny
  • 03-30-2023, 07:58 PM
Charlie, my reaction to the Morgan Freeman video would have been similar to yours a week ago. After reading a couple of Blackman's recent posts, I've changed my mind.

Maybe most people aren't overtly racist in this day and age, but they're still inclined to want to work with and be around others like themselves. See Blackman's posts #24 and 28 here, both excellent,

I think that another 20 or 40 years in the future, Morgan Freeman may be right. I bitch about Millennials here because the majority say they favor socialism over capitalism, and because they treat global warming as a religion. But one thing they've got right is that they are more color blind than our generation.

We've come a long way from the 1960's. Who knows, maybe at some point in the future through intermarriage there will be no Black or Hispanic or White Americans. Just Americans.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Hey Tiny, I hate to say I told you so but...
Charlie, my reaction to the Morgan Freeman video would have been similar to yours a week ago. After reading a couple of Blackman's recent posts, I've changed my mind.

Maybe most people aren't overtly racist in this day and age, but they're still inclined to want to work with and be around others like themselves. See Blackman's posts #24 and 28 here, both excellent,

I think that another 20 or 40 years in the future, Morgan Freeman may be right. I bitch about Millennials here because the majority say they favor socialism over capitalism, and because they treat global warming as a religion. But one thing they've got right is that they are more color blind than our generation.

We've come a long way from the 1960's. Who knows, maybe at some point in the future through intermarriage there will be no Black or Hispanic or White Americans. Just Americans. Originally Posted by Tiny
Coming from a man who considers a Democrat "an esteemed board member."
  • Tiny
  • 03-31-2023, 07:33 AM
Coming from a man who considers a Democrat "an esteemed board member." Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
We are all esteemed board members Charlie. Blackman has posted this.

See we can all learn. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
My hope is that is true, and someday he will see the truth and the light and repent from his worship of false gods, the Democratic Party politicians. Now I'm not expecting a Mary Magdalene moment, where he bathes my feet in his tears. But perhaps he will some day gain a respect for the great gifts that people like Ronald Reagan, Newt Gingrich, and Paul Ryan have bestowed upon our country.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
excellent post. Freeman did that interview a long time ago but still spot on. the look on Wallace's face is priceless when Freeman said " Stop talking about it".

and why isn't there a "White History Month"? or a "Jewish History Month"? shouldn't everyone and anything have a history month? can't wait for "Trans History Month"!


what about all the other racists? the ones that aren't white? you do know that the surge in Anti-Asian crime lately is almost exclusively committed by blacks yes? strange you don't see that on the news much, they cover it then not another word.

and where's Garland talking about it? jabbering about "White Supremacy" as usual. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
theres a FBI statistic showing blacks committing murders at a much higher rate than their population %.

black on black
black on white

those 2 had the highest percentage of homicides.
biomed1's Avatar
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Morgan Freeman Comments on Black History Month and How To End Racism.
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